holds the Chair of Statistical Learning and Data Science at the Department of Statistics at LMU Munich.
He studied Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences in Hamburg, Edinburgh and Dortmund and obtained his PhD from Dortmund Technical University in 2013 with a thesis on "Model and Algorithm Selection in Statistical Learning and Optimization". His research interests include AutoML, Model Selection, Interpretable ML, as well as the development of Statistical Software. He is a member of ELLIS in general, and a faculty member of ELLIS Munich, an active developer of several R-packages, leads the "mlr" (Machine Learning in R) engineering group and is co-founder of the science platform "OpenML" for open and reproducible ML. Furthermore, he leads the Munich branch of the Fraunhofer ADA Lovelace Center for Analytics, Data & Applications, i.e. a new type of research infrastructure to support businesses in Bavaria, especially in the SME sector.
Decoding strategies for large language models (LLMs) are a critical but often underexplored aspect of text generation tasks. Since LLMs produce probability distributions over the entire vocabulary, various decoding methods have been developed to transform these probabilities into coherent and fluent text, each with its own set of hyperparameters. In this study, we present a large-scale, comprehensive analysis of how hyperparameter selection affects text quality in open-ended text generation across multiple LLMs, datasets, and evaluation metrics. Through an extensive sensitivity analysis, we provide practical guidelines for hyperparameter tuning and demonstrate the substantial influence of these choices on text quality. Using three established datasets, spanning factual domains (e.g., news) and creative domains (e.g., fiction), we show that hyperparameter tuning significantly impacts generation quality, though its effects vary across models and tasks. We offer in-depth insights into these effects, supported by both human evaluations and a synthesis of widely-used automatic evaluation metrics.
Hyperparameter optimization is crucial for obtaining peak performance of machine learning models. The standard protocol evaluates various hyperparameter configurations using a resampling estimate of the generalization error to guide optimization and select a final hyperparameter configuration. Without much evidence, paired resampling splits, i.e., either a fixed train-validation split or a fixed cross-validation scheme, are often recommended. We show that, surprisingly, reshuffling the splits for every configuration often improves the final model’s generalization performance on unseen data. Our theoretical analysis explains how reshuffling affects the asymptotic behavior of the validation loss surface and provides a bound on the expected regret in the limiting regime. This bound connects the potential benefits of reshuffling to the signal and noise characteristics of the underlying optimization problem. We confirm our theoretical results in a controlled simulation study and demonstrate the practical usefulness of reshuffling in a large-scale, realistic hyperparameter optimization experiment. While reshuffling leads to test performances that are competitive with using fixed splits, it drastically improves results for a single train-validation holdout protocol and can often make holdout become competitive with standard CV while being computationally cheaper.
Overparametrized transformer networks are the state-of-the-art architecture for Large Language Models (LLMs). However, such models contain billions of parameters making large compute a necessity, while raising environmental concerns. To address these issues, we propose FinerCut, a new form of fine-grained layer pruning, which in contrast to prior work at the transformer block level, considers all self-attention and feed-forward network (FFN) layers within blocks as individual pruning candidates. FinerCut prunes layers whose removal causes minimal alternation to the model’s output – contributing to a new, lean, interpretable, and task-agnostic pruning method. Tested across 9 benchmarks, our approach retains 90% performance of Llama3-8B with 25% layers removed, and 95% performance of Llama3-70B with 30% layers removed, all without fine-tuning or post-pruning reconstruction. Strikingly, we observe intriguing results with FinerCut: 42% (34 out of 80) of the self-attention layers in Llama3-70B can be removed while preserving 99% of its performance – without additional fine-tuning after removal. Moreover, FinerCut provides a tool to inspect the types and locations of pruned layers, allowing to observe interesting pruning behaviors. For instance, we observe a preference for pruning self-attention layers, often at deeper consecutive decoder layers. We hope our insights inspire future efficient LLM architecture designs.
Global feature effect methods, such as partial dependence plots, provide an intelligible visualization of the expected marginal feature effect. However, such global feature effect methods can be misleading, as they do not represent local feature effects of single observations well when feature interactions are present. We formally introduce generalized additive decomposition of global effects (GADGET), which is a new framework based on recursive partitioning to find interpretable regions in the feature space such that the interaction-related heterogeneity of local feature effects is minimized. We provide a mathematical foundation of the framework and show that it is applicable to the most popular methods to visualize marginal feature effects, namely partial dependence, accumulated local effects, and Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) dependence. Furthermore, we introduce and validate a new permutation-based interaction test to detect significant feature interactions that is applicable to any feature effect method that fits into our proposed framework. We empirically evaluate the theoretical characteristics of the proposed methods based on various feature effect methods in different experimental settings. Moreover, we apply our introduced methodology to three real-world examples to showcase their usefulness.
Decoding from the output distributions of large language models to produce high-quality text is a complex challenge in language modeling. Various approaches, such as beam search, sampling with temperature, k−sampling, nucleus p−sampling, typical decoding, contrastive decoding, and contrastive search, have been proposed to address this problem, aiming to improve coherence, diversity, as well as resemblance to human-generated text. In this study, we introduce adaptive contrastive search, a novel decoding strategy extending contrastive search by incorporating an adaptive degeneration penalty, guided by the estimated uncertainty of the model at each generation step. This strategy is designed to enhance both the creativity and diversity of the language modeling process while at the same time producing coherent and high-quality generated text output. Our findings indicate performance enhancement in both aspects, across different model architectures and datasets, underscoring the effectiveness of our method in text generation tasks. Our code base, datasets, and models are publicly available.
We present a flexible modelling approach to analyse time-varying exposures and recurrent events in team sports injuries. The approach is based on the piece-wise exponential additive mixed model where the effects of past exposures (i.e. high-intensity training loads) may accumulate over time and present complex forms of association. In order to identify a relevant time window at which past exposures have an impact on the current risk, we propose a penalty approach. We conduct a simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed model, under different true weight functions and different levels of heterogeneity between recurrent events. Finally, we illustrate the approach with a case study application involving an elite male football team participating in the Spanish LaLiga competition. The cohort includes time-loss injuries and external training load variables tracked by Global Positioning System devices, during the seasons 2017–2018 and 2018–2019.
Feature attribution methods attempt to explain neural network predictions by identifying relevant features. However, establishing a cohesive framework for assessing feature attribution remains a challenge. There are several views through which we can evaluate attributions. One principal lens is to observe the effect of perturbing attributed features on the model’s behavior (i.e., faithfulness). While providing useful insights, existing faithfulness evaluations suffer from shortcomings that we reveal in this paper. In this work, we propose two new perspectives within the faithfulness paradigm that reveal intuitive properties: soundness and completeness. Soundness assesses the degree to which attributed features are truly predictive features, while completeness examines how well the resulting attribution reveals all the predictive features. The two perspectives are based on a firm mathematical foundation and provide quantitative metrics that are computable through efficient algorithms. We apply these metrics to mainstream attribution methods, offering a novel lens through which to analyze and compare feature attribution methods.
Self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained prominence due to the increasing availability of unlabeled data and advances in computational efficiency, leading to revolutionized natural language processing with pre-trained language models like BERT and GPT. Representation learning, a core concept in SSL, aims to reduce data dimensionality while preserving meaningful aspects. Conventional SSL methods typically embed data in Euclidean space. However, recent research has revealed that alternative geometries can hold even richer representations, unlocking more meaningful insights from the data. Motivated by this, we propose two novel methods for integrating Hilbert geometry into self-supervised learning for efficient document embedding. First, we present a method directly incorporating Hilbert geometry into the standard Euclidean contrastive learning framework. Additionally, we propose a multi-view hyperbolic contrastive learning framework contrasting both documents and paragraphs. Our findings demonstrate that contrasting only paragraphs, rather than entire documents, can lead to superior efficiency and effectiveness.
Language-specific evaluation of large language models (LLMs) for multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) is an important means to test their abilities for a multitude of different dimensions. With a data set assembled from questions from the German variant of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’ we evaluate a set of German models and ChatGPT concerning factual/commonsense knowledge, syntactic abilities, and logical reasoning, amongst others. We contribute this new MCQA data set, extracted from the show’s episodes and designed to evaluate the ability of models to answer this diverse range of questions. To ensure data quality, we describe our preprocessing, encompassing data cleaning, deduplication, and the creation of stratified splits. Furthermore, we fine-tune a set of German LLMs and prompt ChatGPT to provide baseline results. Our findings reveal that these models achieve (partly) satisfactory performance on questions of lower difficulty levels (≤ 1000 euros). As the difficulty increases, performance steadily declines, highlighting the challenging nature of the later stages of the game. We contribute to the ongoing efforts to advance the capabilities of LLMs in comprehending and answering questions by providing a valuable resource for German MCQA research as well as further insights into the limitations of current LLMs.
Open-ended text generation has become a prominent task in natural language processing due to the rise of powerful (large) language models. However, evaluating the quality of these models and the employed decoding strategies remains challenging because of trade-offs among widely used metrics such as coherence, diversity, and perplexity. Decoding methods often excel in some metrics while underperforming in others, complicating the establishment of a clear ranking. In this paper, we present novel ranking strategies within this multicriteria framework. Specifically, we employ benchmarking approaches based on partial orderings and present a new summary metric designed to balance existing automatic indicators, providing a more holistic evaluation of text generation quality. Furthermore, we discuss the alignment of these approaches with human judgments. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed methods offer a robust way to compare decoding strategies, exhibit similarities with human preferences, and serve as valuable tools in guiding model selection for open-ended text generation tasks. Finally, we suggest future directions for improving evaluation methodologies in text generation. Our codebase, datasets, and models are publicly available.
We study the robustness of global post-hoc explanations for predictive models trained on tabular data. Effects of predictor features in black-box supervised learning are an essential diagnostic tool for model debugging and scientific discovery in applied sciences. However, how vulnerable they are to data and model perturbations remains an open research question. We introduce several theoretical bounds for evaluating the robustness of partial dependence plots and accumulated local effects. Our experimental results with synthetic and real-world datasets quantify the gap between the best and worst-case scenarios of (mis)interpreting machine learning predictions globally.
Self-contrastive learning has proven effective for vision and natural language tasks. It aims to learn aligned data representations by encoding similar and dissimilar sentence pairs without human annotation. Therefore, data augmentation plays a crucial role in the learned embedding quality. However, in natural language processing (NLP), creating augmented samples for unsupervised contrastive learning is challenging since random editing may modify the semantic meanings of sentences and thus affect learning good representations. In this paper, we introduce a simple, still effective approach dubbed ADD (Attention-Driven Dropout) to generate better-augmented views of sentences to be used in self-contrastive learning. Given a sentence and a Pre-trained Transformer Language Model (PLM), such as RoBERTa, we use the aggregated attention scores of the PLM to remove the less “informative” tokens from the input. We consider two alternative algorithms based on NAIVEAGGREGATION across layers/heads and ATTENTIONROLLOUT [1]. Our approach significantly improves the overall performance of various self-supervised contrastive-based methods, including SIMCSE [14], DIFFCSE [10], and INFOCSE [33] by facilitating the generation of high-quality positive pairs required by these methods. Through empirical evaluations on multiple Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) and Transfer Learning tasks, we observe enhanced performance across the board.
Ensembling a neural network is a widely recognized approach to enhance model performance, estimate uncertainty, and improve robustness in deep supervised learning. However, deep ensembles often come with high computational costs and memory demands. In addition, the efficiency of a deep ensemble is related to diversity among the ensemble members, which is challenging for large, over-parameterized deep neural networks. Moreover, ensemble learning has not yet seen such widespread adoption for unsupervised learning and it remains a challenging endeavor for self-supervised or unsupervised representation learning. Motivated by these challenges, we present a novel self-supervised training regime that leverages an ensemble of independent sub-networks, complemented by a new loss function designed to encourage diversity. Our method efficiently builds a sub-model ensemble with high diversity, leading to well-calibrated estimates of model uncertainty, all achieved with minimal computational overhead compared to traditional deep self-supervised ensembles. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted extensive experiments across various tasks, including in-distribution generalization, out-of-distribution detection, dataset corruption, and semi-supervised settings. The results demonstrate that our method significantly improves prediction reliability. Our approach not only achieves excellent accuracy but also enhances calibration, improving on important baseline performance across a wide range of self-supervised architectures in computer vision, natural language processing, and genomics data.
Objective. This study aimed to develop convolutional neural networks (CNNs) models to predict the energy expenditure (EE) of children from raw accelerometer data. Additionally, this study sought to external validation of the CNN models in addition to the linear regression (LM), random forest (RF), and full connected neural network (FcNN) models published in Steenbock et al (2019 J. Meas. Phys. Behav. 2 94–102). Approach. Included in this study were 41 German children (3.0–6.99 years) for the training and internal validation who were equipped with GENEActiv, GT3X+, and activPAL accelerometers. The external validation dataset consisted of 39 Canadian children (3.0–5.99 years) that were equipped with OPAL, GT9X, GENEActiv, and GT3X+ accelerometers. EE was recorded simultaneously in both datasets using a portable metabolic unit. The protocols consisted of a semi-structured activities ranging from low to high intensities. The root mean square error (RMSE) values were calculated and used to evaluate model performances. Main results. (1) The CNNs outperformed the LM (13.17%–23.81% lower mean RMSE values), FcNN (8.13%–27.27% lower RMSE values) and the RF models (3.59%–18.84% lower RMSE values) in the internal dataset. (2) In contrast, it was found that when applied to the external Canadian dataset, the CNN models had consistently higher RMSE values compared to the LM, FcNN, and RF. Significance. Although CNNs can enhance EE prediction accuracy, their ability to generalize to new datasets and accelerometer brands/models, is more limited compared to LM, RF, and FcNN models.
When assessing the quality of prediction models in machine learning, confidence intervals (CIs) for the generalization error, which measures predictive performance, are a crucial tool. Luckily, there exist many methods for computing such CIs and new promising approaches are continuously being proposed. Typically, these methods combine various resampling procedures, most popular among them cross-validation and bootstrapping, with different variance estimation techniques. Unfortunately, however, there is currently no consensus on when any of these combinations may be most reliably employed and how they generally compare. In this work, we conduct the first large-scale study comparing CIs for the generalization error - empirically evaluating 13 different methods on a total of 18 tabular regression and classification problems, using four different inducers and a total of eight loss functions. We give an overview of the methodological foundations and inherent challenges of constructing CIs for the generalization error and provide a concise review of all 13 methods in a unified framework. Finally, the CI methods are evaluated in terms of their relative coverage frequency, width, and runtime. Based on these findings, we are able to identify a subset of methods that we would recommend. We also publish the datasets as a benchmarking suite on OpenML and our code on GitHub to serve as a basis for further studies.
To reduce the need for human annotations, large language models (LLMs) have been proposed as judges of the quality of other candidate models. LLM judges are typically evaluated by measuring the correlation with human judgments on generation tasks such as summarization or machine translation. In contrast, we study LLM judges on mathematical reasoning tasks. These tasks require multi-step reasoning, and the correctness of their solutions is verifiable, enabling a more objective evaluation. We perform a detailed performance analysis and find that the used judges are mostly unable to improve task performance but are able to pick the better model. Our analysis uncovers a strong correlation between judgment performance and the candidate model task performance. We observe that judges tend to choose the model of higher quality even if its answer is incorrect. Further, we show that it is possible to use statistics, such as the task performances of the individual models, to predict judgment performance. In an ablation, we either swap or mask the candidate answers and observe that judges often keep the original judgment, providing evidence that judges incorporate writing style in their judgments. In summary, we find that regularities in the judgments are quantifiable using statistical measures and provide various angles on exploiting them.
With the usage of tremendous amounts of text data for training powerful large language models such as ChatGPT, the issue of analysing and securing data quality has become more pressing than ever. Any biases, stereotypes and discriminatory patterns that exist in the training data can be reproduced, reinforced or broadly disseminated by the models in production. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully select and monitor the text data that is used as input to train the model. Due to the vast amount of training data, this process needs to be (at least partially) automated. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for automatically detecting gender discrimination in text data on the actor level based on linguistic discourse analysis. Specifically, we combine existing information extraction (IE) techniques to partly automate the qualitative research done in linguistic discourse analysis. We focus on two important steps: Identifying the respectiveperson-named-entity (an actor) and all forms it is referred to (Nomination), and detecting the characteristics it is ascribed (Predication). Asa proof of concept, we integrate these two steps into a pipeline for automated text analysis. The separate building blocks of the pipeline could be flexibly adapted, extended, and scaled for bigger datasets to accommodate a wide range of usage scenarios and specific ML tasks or help social scientists with analysis tasks. We showcase and evaluate our approach on several real and simulated exemplary texts.
Automatic correction of errors in Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) output poses persistent challenges yet to be fully resolved. In this study, we introduce a shared task aimed at addressing this challenge, which attracted 271 submissions, yielding only a handful of promising approaches. This paper presents the datasets, the most effective methods, and an experimental analysis in error-correcting HTRed manuscripts and papyri in Byzantine Greek, the language that followed Classical and preceded Modern Greek. By using recognised and transcribed data from seven centuries, the two best-performing methods are compared, one based on a neural encoder-decoder architecture and the other based on engineered linguistic rules. We show that the recognition error rate can be reduced by both, up to 2.5 points at the level of characters and up to 15 at the level of words, while also elucidating their respective strengths and weaknesses.
In this work, we present a collaboratively and continuously developed open-source educational resource (OSER) for teaching natural language processing at two different universities. We shed light on the principles we followed for the initial design of the course and the rationale for ongoing developments, followed by a reflection on the inter-university collaboration for designing and maintaining teaching material. When reflecting on the latter, we explicitly emphasize the considerations that need to be made when facing heterogeneous groups and when having to accommodate multiple examination regulations within one single course framework. Relying on the fundamental principles of OSER developments as defined by Bothmann et al. (2023) proved to be an important guideline during this process. The final part pertains to open-sourcing our teaching material, coping with the increasing speed of developments in the field, and integrating the course digitally, also addressing conflicting priorities and challenges we are currently facing.
Leonie Weissweiler
* Former member
Bayesian inference in deep neural networks is challenging due to the high-dimensional, strongly multi-modal parameter posterior density landscape. Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches asymptotically recover the true posterior but are considered prohibitively expensive for large modern architectures. Local methods, which have emerged as a popular alternative, focus on specific parameter regions that can be approximated by functions with tractable integrals. While these often yield satisfactory empirical results, they fail, by definition, to account for the multi-modality of the parameter posterior. In this work, we argue that the dilemma between exact-but-unaffordable and cheap-but-inexact approaches can be mitigated by exploiting symmetries in the posterior landscape. Such symmetries, induced by neuron interchangeability and certain activation functions, manifest in different parameter values leading to the same functional output value. We show theoretically that the posterior predictive density in Bayesian neural networks can be restricted to a symmetry-free parameter reference set. By further deriving an upper bound on the number of Monte Carlo chains required to capture the functional diversity, we propose a straightforward approach for feasible Bayesian inference. Our experiments suggest that efficient sampling is indeed possible, opening up a promising path to accurate uncertainty quantification in deep learning.
With the increased use of machine learning (ML) models within automated decision-making systems, the demands on the quality of ML models are growing. Pure prediction quality is no longer the sole quality criterion; in particular, there is an increasing demand to consider fairness aspects. This paper pursues two goals. First, it summarizes the current fairness discussion in the field of ML (fairML) and describes the most recent developments, especially with respect to the philosophical foundations of the concept of fairness within ML. On the other hand, the question is addressed to what extent so-called ‘extra-legal’ characteristics may be used in the compilation of qualified rent indices. A recent proposal by Kauermann and Windmann (AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, Volume 17, 2023) on using extra-legal features in qualified rent indices includes a model-based imputation method, which we contrast with the legal requirements. Finally, we show which alternatives from the field of fairML could be used and outline the different basic philosophical assumptions behind the various methods.
Distributed statistical analyses provide a promising approach for privacy protection when analyzing data distributed over several databases. Instead of directly operating on data, the analyst receives anonymous summary statistics, which are combined into an aggregated result. Further, in discrimination model (prognosis, diagnosis, etc.) development, it is key to evaluate a trained model w.r.t. to its prognostic or predictive performance on new independent data. For binary classification, quantifying discrimination uses the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and its area under the curve (AUC) as aggregation measure. We are interested to calculate both as well as basic indicators of calibration-in-the-large for a binary classification task using a distributed and privacy-preserving approach…
Cancer cells and pathogens can evade T cell receptors (TCRs) via mutations in immunogenic epitopes. TCR cross-reactivity (i.e., recognition of multiple epitopes with sequence similarities) can counteract such escape but may cause severe side effects in cell-based immunotherapies through targeting self-antigens. To predict the effect of epitope point mutations on T cell functionality, we here present the random forest-based model Predicting T Cell Epitope-Specific Activation against Mutant Versions (P-TEAM). P-TEAM was trained and tested on three datasets with TCR responses to single-amino-acid mutations of the model epitope SIINFEKL, the tumor neo-epitope VPSVWRSSL, and the human cytomegalovirus antigen NLVPMVATV, totaling 9,690 unique TCR-epitope interactions. P-TEAM was able to accurately classify T cell reactivities and quantitatively predict T cell functionalities for unobserved single-point mutations and unseen TCRs. Overall, P-TEAM provides an effective computational tool to study T cell responses against mutated epitopes.
The localization of objects is essential in many applications, such as robotics, virtual and augmented reality, and warehouse logistics. Recent advancements in deep learning have enabled localization using monocular cameras. Traditionally, structure from motion (SfM) techniques predict an object’s absolute position from a point cloud, while absolute pose regression (APR) methods use neural networks to understand the environment semantically. However, both approaches face challenges from environmental factors like motion blur, lighting changes, repetitive patterns, and featureless areas. This study addresses these challenges by incorporating additional information and refining absolute pose estimates with relative pose regression (RPR) methods. RPR also struggles with issues like motion blur. To overcome this, we compute the optical flow between consecutive images using the Lucas–Kanade algorithm and use a small recurrent convolutional network to predict relative poses. Combining absolute and relative poses is difficult due to differences between global and local coordinate systems. Current methods use pose graph optimization (PGO) to align these poses. In this work, we propose recurrent fusion networks to better integrate absolute and relative pose predictions, enhancing the accuracy of absolute pose estimates. We evaluate eight different recurrent units and create a simulation environment to pre-train the APR and RPR networks for improved generalization. Additionally, we record a large dataset of various scenarios in a challenging indoor environment resembling a warehouse with transportation robots. Through hyperparameter searches and experiments, we demonstrate that our recurrent fusion method outperforms PGO in effectiveness.
We warn against a common but incomplete understanding of empirical research in machine learning (ML) that leads to non-replicable results, makes findings unreliable, and threatens to undermine progress in the field. To overcome this alarming situation, we call for more awareness of the plurality of ways of gaining knowledge experimentally but also of some epistemic limitations. In particular, we argue most current empirical ML research is fashioned as confirmatory research while it should rather be considered exploratory.
Publications proposing novel machine learning methods are often primarily rated by exhibited predictive performance on selected problems. In this position paper we argue that predictive performance alone is not a good indicator for the worth of a publication. Using it as such even fosters problems like inefficiencies of the machine learning research community as a whole and setting wrong incentives for researchers. We therefore put out a call for the publication of “negative” results, which can help alleviate some of these problems and improve the scientific output of the machine learning research community. To substantiate our position, we present the advantages of publishing negative results and provide concrete measures for the community to move towards a paradigm where their publication is normalized.
Automated machine learning (AutoML) was formed around the fundamental objectives of automatically and efficiently configuring machine learning (ML) workflows, aiding the research of new ML algorithms, and contributing to the democratization of ML by making it accessible to a broader audience. Over the past decade, commendable achievements in AutoML have primarily focused on optimizing predictive performance. This focused progress, while substantial, raises questions about how well AutoML has met its broader, original goals. In this position paper, we argue that a key to unlocking AutoML’s full potential lies in addressing the currently underexplored aspect of user interaction with AutoML systems, including their diverse roles, expectations, and expertise. We envision a more human-centered approach in future AutoML research, promoting the collaborative design of ML systems that tightly integrates the complementary strengths of human expertise and AutoML methodologies.
A major challenge in sample-based inference (SBI) for Bayesian neural networks is the size and structure of the networks’ parameter space. Our work shows that successful SBI is possible by embracing the characteristic relationship between weight and function space, uncovering a systematic link between overparameterization and the difficulty of the sampling problem. Through extensive experiments, we establish practical guidelines for sampling and convergence diagnosis. As a result, we present a Bayesian deep ensemble approach as an effective solution with competitive performance and uncertainty quantification.
Counterfactual explanations elucidate algorithmic decisions by pointing to scenarios that would have led to an alternative, desired outcome. Giving insight into the model’s behavior, they hint users towards possible actions and give grounds for contesting decisions. As a crucial factor in achieving these goals, counterfactuals must be plausible, i.e., describing realistic alternative scenarios within the data manifold. This paper leverages a recently developed generative modeling technique – adversarial random forests (ARFs) – to efficiently generate plausible counterfactuals in a model-agnostic way. ARFs can serve as a plausibility measure or directly generate counterfactual explanations. Our ARF-based approach surpasses the limitations of existing methods that aim to generate plausible counterfactual explanations: It is easy to train and computationally highly efficient, handles continuous and categorical data naturally, and allows integrating additional desiderata such as sparsity in a straightforward manner.
While machine learning (ML) models are increasingly used due to their high predictive power, their use in understanding the data-generating process (DGP) is limited. Understanding the DGP requires insights into feature-target associations, which many ML models cannot directly provide due to their opaque internal mechanisms. Feature importance (FI) methods provide useful insights into the DGP under certain conditions. Since the results of different FI methods have different interpretations, selecting the correct FI method for a concrete use case is crucial and still requires expert knowledge. This paper serves as a comprehensive guide to help understand the different interpretations of global FI methods. Through an extensive review of FI methods and providing new proofs regarding their interpretation, we facilitate a thorough understanding of these methods and formulate concrete recommendations for scientific inference. We conclude by discussing options for FI uncertainty estimation and point to directions for future research aiming at full statistical inference from black-box ML models.
Understanding how assignments of instances to clusters can be attributed to the features can be vital in many applications. However, research to provide such feature attributions has been limited. Clustering algorithms with built-in explanations are scarce. Common algorithm-agnostic approaches involve dimension reduction and subsequent visualization, which transforms the original features used to cluster the data; or training a supervised learning classifier on the found cluster labels, which adds additional and intractable complexity. We present FACT (feature attributions for clustering), an algorithm-agnostic framework that preserves the integrity of the data and does not introduce additional models. As the defining characteristic of FACT, we introduce a set of work stages: sampling, intervention, reassignment, and aggregation. Furthermore, we propose two novel FACT methods: SMART (scoring metric after permutation) measures changes in cluster assignments by custom scoring functions after permuting selected features; IDEA (isolated effect on assignment) indicates local and global changes in cluster assignments after making uniform changes to selected features.
This work introduces a novel R package for concise, informative summaries of machine learning models. We take inspiration from the summary function for (generalized) linear models in R, but extend it in several directions: First, our summary function is model-agnostic and provides a unified summary output also for non-parametric machine learning models; Second, the summary output is more extensive and customizable – it comprises information on the dataset, model performance, model complexity, model’s estimated feature importances, feature effects, and fairness metrics;
Third, models are evaluated based on resampling strategies for unbiased estimates of model performances, feature importances, etc. Overall, the clear, structured output should help to enhance and expedite the model selection process, making it a helpful tool for practitioners and researchers alike.
This work introduces a novel R package for concise, informative summaries of machine learning models. We take inspiration from the summary function for (generalized) linear models in R, but extend it in several directions: First, our summary function is model-agnostic and provides a unified summary output also for non-parametric machine learning models; Second, the summary output is more extensive and customizable – it comprises information on the dataset, model performance, model complexity, model’s estimated feature importances, feature effects, and fairness metrics;
Third, models are evaluated based on resampling strategies for unbiased estimates of model performances, feature importances, etc. Overall, the clear, structured output should help to enhance and expedite the model selection process, making it a helpful tool for practitioners and researchers alike.
mlr3torch is a deep learning framework for the mlr3 ecosystem built on top of torch. It allows to easily build, train and evaluate deep learning models in a few lines of codes, without needing to worry about low-level details. Off-the-shelf learners are readily available, but custom architectures can be defined by connecting PipeOpTorch operators in an mlr3pipelines::Graph.
Data imbalance in the protected attributes can lead to machine learning models that perform better on the majority than on the minority group, giving rise to unfairness issues. While baseline methods like undersampling or SMOTE can balance datasets, we investigate how methods of generative artificial intelligence compare concerning classical fairness metrics. Using generated fake data, we propose different balancing methods and investigate the behavior of classification models in thorough benchmark studies using German credit and Berkeley admission data. While our experiments suggest that such methods may improve fairness metrics, further investigations are necessary to derive clear practical recommendations.
In the past few years automated machine learning (AutoML) has gained a lot of traction in the data science and machine learning community. AutoML aims at reducing the partly repetitive work of data scientists and enabling domain experts to construct machine learning pipelines without extensive knowledge in data science. This chapter presents a comprehensive review of the current leading AutoML methods and sets AutoML in an industrial context. To this extent we present the typical components of an AutoML system, give an overview over the stateof-the-art and highlight challenges to industrial application by presenting several important topics such as AutoML for time series data, AutoML in unsupervised settings, AutoML with multiple evaluation criteria, or interactive human-in-the-loop methods. Finally, the connection to Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is presented and a brief review with special emphasis on hardware-aware NAS is given.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have reshaped natural language processing with their impressive capabilities. However, their ever-increasing size has raised concerns about their effective deployment and the need for LLM compression. This study introduces the Divergent Token Metrics (DTMs), a novel approach to assessing compressed LLMs, addressing the limitations of traditional perplexity or accuracy measures that fail to accurately reflect text generation quality. DTMs measure token divergences that allow deeper insights into the subtleties of model compression, in particular, when evaluating components’ impacts individually. Utilizing the First Divergent Token Metric (FDTM) in model sparsification reveals that 25% of all attention components can be pruned beyond 90% on the Llama-2 model family, still keeping SOTA performance. For quantization, FDTM suggests that more than 80% of parameters can be naively transformed to int8 without special outlier management. These evaluations indicate the necessity of choosing appropriate compressions for parameters individually—and that FDTM can identify those—while standard metrics result in deteriorated outcomes.
In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools with potential applications in various fields, including software engineering. Within the scope of this research, we evaluate five different state-of-the-art LLMs - Bard, BingChat, ChatGPT, Llama2, and Code Llama - concerning their capabilities for text-to-code generation. In an empirical study, we feed prompts with textual descriptions of coding problems sourced from the programming website LeetCode to the models with the task of creating solutions in Python. Subsequently, the quality of the generated outputs is assessed using the testing functionalities of LeetCode. The results indicate large differences in performance between the investigated models. ChatGPT can handle these typical programming challenges by far the most effectively, surpassing even code-specialized models like Code Llama. To gain further insights, we measure the runtime as well as the memory usage of the generated outputs and compared them to the other code submissions on Leetcode. A detailed error analysis, encompassing a comparison of the differences concerning correct indentation and form of the generated code as well as an assignment of the incorrectly solved tasks to certain error categories allows us to obtain a more nuanced picture of the results and potential for improvement. The results also show a clear pattern of increasingly incorrect produced code when the models are facing a lot of context in the form of longer prompts.
Exact computation of various machine learning explanations requires numerous model evaluations and in extreme cases becomes impractical. The computational cost of approximation increases with an ever-increasing size of data and model parameters. Many heuristics have been proposed to approximate post-hoc explanations efficiently. This paper shows that the standard i.i.d. sampling used in a broad spectrum of algorithms for explanation estimation leads to an approximation error worthy of improvement. To this end, we introduce Compress Then Explain (CTE), a new paradigm for more efficient and accurate explanation estimation. CTE uses distribution compression through kernel thinning to obtain a data sample that best approximates the marginal distribution. We show that CTE improves the estimation of removal-based local and global explanations with negligible computational overhead. It often achieves an on-par explanation approximation error using 2-3x less samples, i.e. requiring 2-3x less model evaluations. CTE is a simple, yet powerful, plug-in for any explanation method that now relies on i.i.d. sampling.
This work presents the first large-scale neutral benchmark experiment focused on single-event, right-censored, low-dimensional survival data. Benchmark experiments are essential in methodological research to scientifically compare new and existing model classes through proper empirical evaluation. Existing benchmarks in the survival literature are often narrow in scope, focusing, for example, on high-dimensional data. Additionally, they may lack appropriate tuning or evaluation procedures, or are qualitative reviews, rather than quantitative comparisons. This comprehensive study aims to fill the gap by neutrally evaluating a broad range of methods and providing generalizable conclusions. We benchmark 18 models, ranging from classical statistical approaches to many common machine learning methods, on 32 publicly available datasets. The benchmark tunes for both a discrimination measure and a proper scoring rule to assess performance in different settings. Evaluating on 8 survival metrics, we assess discrimination, calibration, and overall predictive performance of the tested models. Using discrimination measures, we find that no method significantly outperforms the Cox model. However, (tuned) Accelerated Failure Time models were able to achieve significantly better results with respect to overall predictive performance as measured by the right-censored log-likelihood. Machine learning methods that performed comparably well include Oblique Random Survival Forests under discrimination, and Cox-based likelihood-boosting under overall predictive performance. We conclude that for predictive purposes in the standard survival analysis setting of low-dimensional, right-censored data, the Cox Proportional Hazards model remains a simple and robust method, sufficient for practitioners.
Scoring rules promote rational and honest decision-making, which is becoming increasingly important for automated procedures in auto-ML'. In this paper we survey common squared and logarithmic scoring rules for survival analysis and determine which losses are proper and improper. We prove that commonly utilised squared and logarithmic scoring rules that are claimed to be proper are in fact improper, such as the Integrated Survival Brier Score (ISBS). We further prove that under a strict set of assumptions a class of scoring rules is strictly proper for, what we term,
approximate’ survival losses. Despite the difference in properness, experiments in simulated and real-world datasets show there is no major difference between improper and proper versions of the widely-used ISBS, ensuring that we can reasonably trust previous experiments utilizing the original score for evaluation purposes. We still advocate for the use of proper scoring rules, as even minor differences between losses can have important implications in automated processes such as model tuning. We hope our findings encourage further research into the properties of survival measures so that robust and honest evaluation of survival models can be achieved.
Data in tabular form makes up a large part of real-world ML applications, and thus, there has been a strong interest in developing novel deep learning (DL) architectures for supervised learning on tabular data in recent years. As a result, there is a debate as to whether DL methods are superior to the ubiquitous ensembles of boosted decision trees. Typically, the advantage of one model class over the other is claimed based on an empirical evaluation, where different variations of both model classes are compared on a set of benchmark datasets that supposedly resemble relevant real-world tabular data. While the landscape of state-of-the-art models for tabular data changed, one factor has remained largely constant over the years: The datasets. Here, we examine 30 recent publications and 187 different datasets they use, in terms of age, study size and relevance. We found that the average study used less than 10 datasets and that half of the datasets are older than 20 years. Our insights raise questions about the conclusions drawn from previous studies and urge the research community to develop and publish additional recent, challenging and relevant datasets and ML tasks for supervised learning on tabular data.
In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic self-supervised learning via Scoring Rule Minimization (ProSMIN), which leverages the power of probabilistic models to enhance representation quality and mitigate collapsing representations. Our proposed approach involves two neural networks; the online network and the target network, which collaborate and learn the diverse distribution of representations from each other through knowledge distillation. By presenting the input samples in two augmented formats, the online network is trained to predict the target network representation of the same sample under a different augmented view. The two networks are trained via our new loss function based on proper scoring rules. We provide a theoretical justification for ProSMIN’s convergence, demonstrating the strict propriety of its modified scoring rule. This insight validates the method’s optimization process and contributes to its robustness and effectiveness in improving representation quality. We evaluate our probabilistic model on various downstream tasks, such as in-distribution generalization, out-of-distribution detection, dataset corruption, low-shot learning, and transfer learning. Our method achieves superior accuracy and calibration, surpassing the self-supervised baseline in a wide range of experiments on large-scale datasets like ImageNet-O and ImageNet-C, ProSMIN demonstrates its scalability and real-world applicability.
Objectives: This randomized clinical trial focused on patients with thin peri-implant soft-tissue height (STH) (≤ 2.5 mm) and investigated the impact of an allogenic collagen scaffold (aCS) on supracrestal tissue height and marginal bone loss (MBL).
Material & methods: Forty patients received bone level implants and were randomly assigned to the test group with simultaneous tissue thickening with aCS or the control group. After three months, prosthetic restoration occurred. STH measurements were taken at baseline (T0) and reopening surgery (TR), with MBL assessed at 12 months (T1). Descriptive statistics were calculated for continuous variables, and counts for categorical variables (significance level, p = 0.05).
Results: At T1, 37 patients were available. At T0, control and test groups had mean STH values of 2.3 ± 0.3 mm and 2.1 ± 0.4 mm. TR revealed mean STH values of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm (control) and 2.6 ± 0.7 mm (test), with a significant tissue thickening of 0.5 ± 0.6 mm in the test group (p < 0.03). At T1, control and test groups showed MBL mean values of 1.1 ± 0.8 mm and 1.0 ± 0.6 mm, with a moderate but significant correlation with STH thickening (-0.34), implant position (0.43), history of periodontitis (0.39), and smoking status (0.27).
Conclusion: The use of an aCS protocol resulted in soft tissue thickening but did not reach a threshold to reliably reduce MBL compared to the control group within the study’s limitations.
Clinical relevance: Peri-implant STH is crucial for maintaining peri-implant marginal bone stability. Marginal bone stability represents a crucial factor in prevention of peri-implantitis development.
Large language models and their use for text analysis have had a significant impact on psychology and the social and behavioral sciences in general. Key applications include the analysis of texts, such as social media posts, to infer psychological characteristics, as well as survey and interview analysis. In this tutorial paper, we demonstrate the use of the Python-based natural language processing software package transformers (and related modules from the Hugging Face Ecosystem) that allow for the automated classification of text inputs in a practical exercise. In doing so, we rely on pretrained transformer models which can be fine-tuned to a specific task and domain. The first proposed application of this model class is to use it as a feature extractor, allowing for the transformation of written text into real-valued numerical vectors (called ’embeddings’) that capture a text’s semantic meaning. These vectors can, in turn, be used as input for a subsequent machine-learning model. The second presented application of transformer models is the end-to-end training (so-called ‘fine-tuning’) of the model. This results in a direct prediction of the label within the same model that directly maps the text to the embeddings. While in the second case, results are usually better and training works more seamlessly, the model itself is often not directly interpretable. We showcase an alleviation of this issue via the application of post-hoc interpretability methods by calculating SHAP values and applying local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) in an attempt to explain the model’s inner workings.
The success of deep learning in various applications depends on task-specific architecture design choices, including the types, hyperparameters, and number of layers. In computational biology, there is no consensus on the optimal architecture design, and decisions are often made using insights from more well-established fields such as computer vision. These may not consider the domain-specific characteristics of genome sequences, potentially limiting performance. Here, we present GenomeNet-Architect, a neural architecture design framework that automatically optimizes deep learning models for genome sequence data. It optimizes the overall layout of the architecture, with a search space specifically designed for genomics. Additionally, it optimizes hyperparameters of individual layers and the model training procedure. On a viral classification task, GenomeNet-Architect reduced the read-level misclassification rate by 19%, with 67% faster inference and 83% fewer parameters, and achieved similar contig-level accuracy with ~100 times fewer parameters compared to the best-performing deep learning baselines.
Global feature effect methods explain a model outputting one plot per feature. The plot shows the average effect of the feature on the output, like the effect of age on the annual income. However, average effects may be misleading when derived from local effects that are heterogeneous, i.e., they significantly deviate from the average. To decrease the heterogeneity, regional effects provide multiple plots per feature, each representing the average effect within a specific subspace. For interpretability, subspaces are defined as hyperrectangles defined by a chain of logical rules, like age’s effect on annual income separately for males and females and different levels of professional experience. We introduce Effector, a Python library dedicated to regional feature effects. Effector implements well-established global effect methods, assesses the heterogeneity of each method and, based on that, provides regional effects. Effector automatically detects subspaces where regional effects have reduced heterogeneity. All global and regional effect methods share a common API, facilitating comparisons between them. Moreover, the library’s interface is extensible so new methods can be easily added and benchmarked.
Estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects (HTE) is of prime importance in many disciplines, from personalized medicine to economics among many others. Random forests have been shown to be a flexible and powerful approach to HTE estimation in both randomized trials and observational studies. In particular “causal forests” introduced by Athey, Tibshirani and Wager (Ann. Statist. 47 (2019) 1148–1178), along with the R implementation in package grf were rapidly adopted. A related approach, called ‘model-based forests’ that is geared toward randomized trials and simultaneously captures effects of both prognostic and predictive variables, was introduced by Seibold, Zeileis and Hothorn (Stat. Methods Med. Res. 27 (2018) 3104–3125) along with a modular implementation in the R package model4you.
Neither procedure is directly applicable to the estimation of individualized predictions of excess postpartum blood loss caused by a cesarean section in comparison to vaginal delivery. Clearly, randomization is hardly possible in this setup, and thus model-based forests lack clinical trial data to address this question. On the other hand, the skewed and interval-censored postpartum blood loss observations violate assumptions made by causal forests. Here we present a tailored model-based forest for skewed and interval-censored data to infer possible predictive prepartum characteristics and their impact on excess postpartum blood loss caused by a cesarean section.
As a methodological basis, we propose a unifying view on causal and model-based forests that goes beyond the theoretical motivations and investigates which computational elements make causal forests so successful and how these can be blended with the strengths of model-based forests. To do so, we show that both methods can be understood in terms of the same parameters and model assumptions for an additive model under L2 loss. This theoretical insight allows us to implement several flavors of ‘model-based causal forests’ and dissect their different elements in silico.
The original causal forests and model-based forests are compared with the new blended versions in a benchmark study exploring both randomized trials and observational settings. In the randomized setting, both approaches performed akin. If confounding was present in the data-generating process, we found local centering of the treatment indicator with the corresponding propensities to be the main driver for good performance. Local centering of the outcome was less important and might be replaced or enhanced by simultaneous split selection with respect to both prognostic and predictive effects. This lays the foundation for future research combining random forests for HTE estimation with other types of models.
Little is known about the time-varying determinants of kidney graft failure in children. We performed a retrospective study of primary pediatric kidney transplant recipients (younger than 18 years) from the Eurotransplant registry (1990-2020). Piece-wise exponential additive mixed models were applied to analyze time-varying recipient, donor, and transplant risk factors. Primary outcome was death-censored graft failure.
The estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects has attracted considerable interest in many disciplines, most prominently in medicine and economics. Contemporary research has so far primarily focused on continuous and binary responses where heterogeneous treatment effects are traditionally estimated by a linear model, which allows the estimation of constant or heterogeneous effects even under certain model misspecifications. More complex models for survival, count, or ordinal outcomes require stricter assumptions to reliably estimate the treatment effect. Most importantly, the noncollapsibility issue necessitates the joint estimation of treatment and prognostic effects. Model-based forests allow simultaneous estimation of covariate-dependent treatment and prognostic effects, but only for randomized trials. In this paper, we propose modifications to model-based forests to address the confounding issue in observational data. In particular, we evaluate an orthogonalization strategy originally proposed by Robinson (1988, Econometrica) in the context of model-based forests targeting heterogeneous treatment effect estimation in generalized linear models and transformation models. We found that this strategy reduces confounding effects in a simulated study with various outcome distributions. We demonstrate the practical aspects of heterogeneous treatment effect estimation for survival and ordinal outcomes by an assessment of the potentially heterogeneous effect of Riluzole on the progress of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Survival Analysis provides critical insights for partially incomplete time-to-event data in various domains. It is also an important example of probabilistic machine learning. The probabilistic nature of the predictions can be exploited by using (proper) scoring rules in the model fitting process instead of likelihood-based optimization. Our proposal does so in a generic manner and can be used for a variety of model classes. We establish different parametric and non-parametric sub-frameworks that allow different degrees of flexibility. Incorporated into neural networks, it leads to a computationally efficient and scalable optimization routine, yielding state-of-the-art predictive performance. Finally, we show that using our framework, we can recover various parametric models and demonstrate that optimization works equally well when compared to likelihood-based methods.
In today’s data-driven world, the proliferation of publicly available information raises security concerns due to the information leakage (IL) problem. IL involves unintentionally exposing sensitive information to unauthorized parties via observable system information. Conventional statistical approaches rely on estimating mutual information (MI) between observable and secret information for detecting ILs, face challenges of the curse of dimensionality, convergence, computational complexity, and MI misestimation. Though effective, emerging supervised machine learning based approaches to detect ILs are limited to binary system sensitive information and lack a comprehensive framework. To address these limitations, we establish a theoretical framework using statistical learning theory and information theory to quantify and detect IL accurately. Using automated machine learning, we demonstrate that MI can be accurately estimated by approximating the typically unknown Bayes predictor’s log-loss and accuracy. Based on this, we show how MI can effectively be estimated to detect ILs. Our method performs superior to state-of-the-art baselines in an empirical study considering synthetic and real-world OpenSSL TLS server datasets.
The influx of deep learning (DL) techniques into the field of survival analysis in recent years has led to substantial methodological progress; for instance, learning from unstructured or high-dimensional data such as images, text or omics data. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive systematic review of DL-based methods for time-to-event analysis, characterizing them according to both survival- and DL-related attributes. In summary, the reviewed methods often address only a small subset of tasks relevant to time-to-event data—e.g., single-risk right-censored data—and neglect to incorporate more complex settings.
Beta coefficients for linear regression models represent the ideal form of an interpretable feature effect. However, for non-linear models and especially generalized linear models, the estimated coefficients cannot be interpreted as a direct feature effect on the predicted outcome. Hence, marginal effects are typically used as approximations for feature effects, either in the shape of derivatives of the prediction function or forward differences in prediction due to a change in a feature value. While marginal effects are commonly used in many scientific fields, they have not yet been adopted as a model-agnostic interpretation method for machine learning models. This may stem from their inflexibility as a univariate feature effect and their inability to deal with the non-linearities found in black box models. We introduce a new class of marginal effects termed forward marginal effects. We argue to abandon derivatives in favor of better-interpretable forward differences. Furthermore, we generalize marginal effects based on forward differences to multivariate changes in feature values. To account for the non-linearity of prediction functions, we introduce a non-linearity measure for marginal effects. We argue against summarizing feature effects of a non-linear prediction function in a single metric such as the average marginal effect. Instead, we propose to partition the feature space to compute conditional average marginal effects on feature subspaces, which serve as conditional feature effect estimates.
The field of automated machine learning (AutoML) introduces techniques that automate parts of the development of machine learning (ML) systems, accelerating the process and reducing barriers for novices. However, decisions derived from ML models can reproduce, amplify, or even introduce unfairness in our societies, causing harm to (groups of) individuals. In response, researchers have started to propose AutoML systems that jointly optimize fairness and predictive performance to mitigate fairness-related harm. However, fairness is a complex and inherently interdisciplinary subject, and solely posing it as an optimization problem can have adverse side effects. With this work, we aim to raise awareness among developers of AutoML systems about such limitations of fairness-aware AutoML, while also calling attention to the potential of AutoML as a tool for fairness research. We present a comprehensive overview of different ways in which fairness-related harm can arise and the ensuing implications for the design of fairness-aware AutoML. We conclude that while fairness cannot be automated, fairness-aware AutoML can play an important role in the toolbox of ML practitioners. We highlight several open technical challenges for future work in this direction. Additionally, we advocate for the creation of more user-centered assistive systems designed to tackle challenges encountered in fairness work.
Comparing different AutoML frameworks is notoriously challenging and often done incorrectly. We introduce an open and extensible benchmark that follows best practices and avoids common mistakes when comparing AutoML frameworks. We conduct a thorough comparison of 9 well-known AutoML frameworks across 71 classification and 33 regression tasks. The differences between the AutoML frameworks are explored with a multi-faceted analysis, evaluating model accuracy, its trade-offs with inference time, and framework failures. We also use Bradley-Terry trees to discover subsets of tasks where the relative AutoML framework rankings differ. The benchmark comes with an open-source tool that integrates with many AutoML frameworks and automates the empirical evaluation process end-to-end: from framework installation and resource allocation to in-depth evaluation. The benchmark uses public data sets, can be easily extended with other AutoML frameworks and tasks, and has a website with up-to-date results.
Various privacy-preserving frameworks that respect the individual’s privacy in the analysis of data have been developed in recent years. However, available model classes such as simple statistics or generalized linear models lack the flexibility required for a good approximation of the underlying data-generating process in practice. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for a distributed, privacy-preserving, and lossless estimation of generalized additive mixed models (GAMM) using component-wise gradient boosting (CWB). Making use of CWB allows us to reframe the GAMM estimation as a distributed fitting of base learners using the $L_2$-loss. In order to account for the heterogeneity of different data location sites, we propose a distributed version of a row-wise tensor product that allows the computation of site-specific (smooth) effects. Our adaption of CWB preserves all the important properties of the original algorithm, such as an unbiased feature selection and the feasibility to fit models in high-dimensional feature spaces, and yields equivalent model estimates as CWB on pooled data. Next to a derivation of the equivalence of both algorithms, we also showcase the efficacy of our algorithm on a distributed heart disease data set and compare it with state-of-the-art methods.
Undersampling is a common method in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to subsample the number of data points in k-space, reducing acquisition times at the cost of decreased image quality. A popular approach is to employ undersampling patterns following various strategies, e.g., variable density sampling or radial trajectories. In this work, we propose a method that directly learns the under-sampling masks from data points, thereby also providing task- and domain-specific patterns. To solve the resulting discrete optimization problem, we propose a general optimization routine called ProM: A fully probabilistic, differentiable, versatile, and model-free framework for mask optimization that enforces acceleration factors through a convex constraint. Analyzing knee, brain, and cardiac MRI datasets with our method, we discover that different anatomic regions reveal distinct optimal undersampling masks, demonstrating the benefits of using custom masks, tailored for a downstream task. For example, ProM can create undersampling masks that maximize performance in downstream tasks like segmentation with networks trained on fully-sampled MRIs. Even with extreme acceleration factors, ProM yields reasonable performance while being more versatile than existing methods, paving the way for data-driven all-purpose mask generation
Machine learning models can only be deployed in practice if they are robustly evaluated to estimate a model’s generalization performance, i.e. how well it will perform on new data. Resampling strategies including cross-validation and bootstrapping, can be used to estimate the generalization performance. Models can be compared to one another using a benchmark experiment, which makes use of the same resampling strategies and measures to fairly compare models and to help practitioners decide which model to use in practice.
This chapter introduces resample strategies in mlr3, including cross-validation, repeated cross-validation, leave-one-out, bootstrapping, and custom strategies. These are then demonstrated with the resample() function, which is used to resample a single learner with a given strategy. Benchmarking is then introduced and the benchmark() function is demonstrated for comparing multiple learners. The chapter concludes with a deep dive into binary classification evaluation, including ROC analysis and the Area Under the Curve metric.
Machine learning models include parameters and hyperparameters. The former refers to model coefficients that are estimated during training. The latter are parameters that are set by the user and affect how the model is fit or how it makes predictions. Setting hyperparameters manually is arduous and error-prone, instead hyperparameter optimization (HPO) automating this ‘tuning’ procedure to reduce bias. When performing HPO there are many considerations including what tuning algorithm to use, how long to tune it for, and what measures to optimize. Moreover users have to decide which hyperparameters to tune and for what configurations. Finally, one has to be careful to make use of nested resampling to prevent leakage of information from training to testing datasets that can occur when resampling and tuning simultaneously. This chapter begins by introducing mlr3tuning and its functionality for tuning learners. This includes Tuners for configuring and running optimization algorithms, TuningInstances for storing results, and Terminators for controlling when to stop the HPO process. The chapter provides a practical example of tuning hyperparameters of a support vector machine, including introducing logarithmic transformations. The AutoTuner class is also introduced which is used for automating nested resampling to reduce bias in tuning.
Automated tuning can be error prone and it is very likely that models will crash in the tuning process, it is therefore essential to have reliable methods of encapsulating errors to prevent large experiments from failing and losing intermediate results. This chapter therefore begins by introducing fallback learners and encapsulation methods, which are returned to in ‘Advanced Technical Aspects of mlr3’.
Models can be tuned with respect to one or multiple measures. In general when tuning to multiple measures there will be a trade-off between them and therefore there will not be one optimal hyperparameter configuration, instead the aim is to estimate configurations that are not Pareto-dominated by any other. This chapter introduces multi-objective tuning and concepts including Pareto optimality.
Some tuning methods are more advanced than others, including Hyperband and Bayesian optimization. Hyperband is a multi-fidelity tuner that makes use of fidelity parameters, which provide a tradeoff between model runtime and performance accuracy. Bayesian optimization is a sample-efficient black-box optimization algorithm that is highly flexible and allows user fine-grained control over tuning large search spaces. This chapter introduces mlr3hyperband and the concept of fidelity parameters, and then mlr3mbo and bbotk to discuss black-box optimization and Bayesian optimization.
Computational pipelines provide a layer of abstraction for swapping in and out different elements of the pipeline. In machine learning this can be useful for swapping algorithms, as well as common operations for data preprocessing and model post processing. Many real-world machine learning applications involve more than just fitting a single model at a time: It is often beneficial or even necessary to preprocess data for feature engineering and compatibility with learners. In many cases it is also useful to combine predictions of multiple models in ensembles. By defining these workflows as computational objects, it is then possible to treat them like models to be trained/tested and even tuned. This chapter introduces mlr3pipelines, a dataflow programming language that can be used to define machine learning processes from simple building blocks. The chapter focuses on sequential pipelines, in which data passes from one operation to another in a linear sequence and each operation has one input and output. The chapter introduces PipeOp and Graph, which are the building blocks of a pipeline, and provides some concrete examples with PCA.
Real-world applications often require complicated pipeline that do not progress sequentially. For example, many experiments have demonstrated that bagging is a powerful method to improve model performance. Bagging can be thought of as a non-sequential pipeline where a learner is replicated, each separate learner is trained and makes predictions, and their results are combined. This is non-sequential as data is not flowing sequentially through the pipeline but is instead passed to all learners (who may then subsample the data) and then recombined, thus creating a pipeline where operations have multiple inputs and outputs. Pipeline operations also have hyperparameters that can be set and tuned to improve model performance. Moreover the choice of operations to include in a pipeline can also be tuned, known as combined algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization (CASH).
This chapter looks at more advanced uses of mlr3pipelines. This is put into practice by demonstrating how to build a bagging and stacking pipeline from scratch, as well as how to access common pipelines that are readily available in mlr3pipelines. The chapter then looks at tuning pipelines and CASH.
Parallelization is often required to efficiently run machine learning models, which means models are run simultaneously on multiple CPU cores, CPUs, or computational nodes. This chapter begins by demonstrating how mlr3 uses the future package for parallelization and how different ‘plans’ can be applied to mlr3 experiments.
In large machine learning experiments, it is common for a model to error during training or predicting. This is because the algorithms have to process arbitrary data, and not all eventualities can always be handled. It is therefore imperative to have robust methods for encapsulating and dealing with errors. This chapter builds on what has been briefly seen in Chapter 5 to discuss error handling and logging, including how to make use of fallback learners in experiments.
Large experiments may also require data to be handled in different formats and to prevent all the data being loaded into memory. This chapter discussed different ‘backends’ that can be used for mlr3 Tasks, including interfacing with DuckDB and SQL.
Finally, this chapter demonstrates how to extend classes in mlr3 by using the Measure class as an example. This may be of particular interest to readers who want to create new Measures or Learners.
Michel Lang
* Former member
In the field of machine learning, benchmark experiments are used to evaluate and compare the performance of algorithms. To draw robust conclusions, benchmark experiments often have to be ‘large-scale’, which means including many datasets, learners, and possibly measures. Finding datasets can be difficult and the choice of dataset impacts conclusions that can be drawn. Conducting large-scale benchmark experiments is also complex as they are usually computationally intensive. It is therefore common to make use of high-performance computing clusters to efficiently run the experiment. Finally once these experiments are run, analysis of experiments usually requires more than a single score from a given performance measure, and therefore statistical test are often employed.
This chapter introduces mlr3oml for interfacing the OpenML database for accessing data and tasks. It then continues by discussing how to run experiments on high-performance computing clusters using batchtools and mlr3batchmark. Finally, mlr3benchmark is introduced for statistical analysis including Friedman tests and critical difference diagrams.
Michel Lang
* Former member
The increasing availability of data and software frameworks to create predictive models has allowed the widespread adoption of machine learning in many applications. However, high predictive performance of such models often comes at the cost of interpretability. Machine learning interpretation methods can be useful for several purposes: 1) gaining global insights into a model (e.g., feature importance); 2) model improvement if flaws were identified (e.g., unexpected reliance on a certain feature); 3) understanding individual predictions. Several model-agnostic methods have been developed including feature permutation, Shapleys, and LIME.
This chapter presents the packages iml, counterfactuals, and DALEX, which implement model-agnostic interpretation methods. Throughout the chapter an xgboost is trained on the german credit dataset to understand how predictions are made and why. The chapter starts with discussing the iml package and the theory behind the discussed methods, as well as how to practically use the interface. It then moves to counterfactuals and the benefits of counterfactual analysis, including methods What-If and MOC. Finally, DALEX is introduced, which includes similar methods to iml but with a different design, hence users can make use of either package depending on their design preference.
mlr3 is an award-winning ecosystem of R packages that have been developed to enable state-of-the-art machine learning capabilities in R. Applied Machine Learning Using mlr3 in R gives an overview of flexible and robust machine learning methods, with an emphasis on how to implement them using mlr3 in R. It covers various key topics, including basic machine learning tasks, such as building and evaluating a predictive model; hyperparameter tuning of machine learning approaches to obtain peak performance; building machine learning pipelines that perform complex operations such as pre-processing followed by modelling followed by aggregation of predictions; and extending the mlr3 ecosystem with custom learners, measures, or pipeline components. The book is primarily aimed at researchers, practitioners, and graduate students who use machine learning or who are interested in using it. It can be used as a textbook for an introductory or advanced machine learning class that uses R, as a reference for people who work with machine learning methods, and in industry for exploratory experiments in machine learning.
Michel Lang
* Former member
A growing body of literature in fairness-aware machine learning (fairML) aims to mitigate machine learning (ML)-related unfairness in automated decision-making (ADM) by defining metrics that measure fairness of an ML model and by proposing methods to ensure that trained ML models achieve low scores on these metrics. However, the underlying concept of fairness, i.e., the question of what fairness is, is rarely discussed, leaving a significant gap between centuries of philosophical discussion and the recent adoption of the concept in the ML community. In this work, we try to bridge this gap by formalizing a consistent concept of fairness and by translating the philosophical considerations into a formal framework for the training and evaluation of ML models in ADM systems. We argue that fairness problems can arise even without the presence of protected attributes (PAs), and point out that fairness and predictive performance are not irreconcilable opposites, but that the latter is necessary to achieve the former. Furthermore, we argue why and how causal considerations are necessary when assessing fairness in the presence of PAs by proposing a fictitious, normatively desired (FiND) world in which PAs have no causal effects. In practice, this FiND world must be approximated by a warped world in which the causal effects of the PAs are removed from the real-world data. Finally, we achieve greater linguistic clarity in the discussion of fairML. We outline algorithms for practical applications and present illustrative experiments on COMPAS data.
The field of computational biology has been enhanced by deep learning models, which hold great promise for revolutionizing domains such as protein folding and drug discovery. Recent studies have underscored the tremendous potential of these models, particularly in the realm of gene regulation and the more profound understanding of the non-coding regions of the genome. On the other hand, this raises significant concerns about the reliability and efficacy of such models, which have their own biases by design, along with those learned from the data. Uncertainty quantification allows us to measure where the system is confident and know when it can be trusted. In this paper, we study several uncertainty quantification methods with respect to a multi-target regression task, specifically predicting regulatory activity profiles using DNA sequence data. Using the Basenji model, we investigate how such methods can improve in-domain generalization, out-of-distribution detection, and provide coverage guarantees on prediction intervals.
Feature attribution explains neural network outputs by identifying relevant input features. How do we know if the identified features are indeed relevant to the network? This notion is referred to as faithfulness, an essential property that reflects the alignment between the identified (attributed) features and the features used by the model. One recent trend to test faithfulness is to design the data such that we know which input features are relevant to the label and then train a model on the designed data. Subsequently, the identified features are evaluated by comparing them with these designed ground truth features. However, this idea has the underlying assumption that the neural network learns to use all and only these designed features, while there is no guarantee that the learning process trains the network in this way. In this paper, we solve this missing link by explicitly designing the neural network by manually setting its weights, along with designing data, so we know precisely which input features in the dataset are relevant to the designed network. Thus, we can test faithfulness in AttributionLab, our designed synthetic environment, which serves as a sanity check and is effective in filtering out attribution methods. If an attribution method is not faithful in a simple controlled environment, it can be unreliable in more complex scenarios. Furthermore, the AttributionLab environment serves as a laboratory for controlled experiments through which we can study feature attribution methods, identify issues, and suggest potential improvements.
While existing neural network-based approaches have shown promising results in Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) for high-resource languages and standardized/machine-written text, their application to low-resource languages often presents challenges, resulting in reduced effectiveness. In this paper, we propose an innovative HTR approach that leverages the Transformer architecture for recognizing handwritten Old Occitan language. Given the limited availability of data, which comprises only word pairs of graphical variants and lemmas, we develop and rely on elaborate data augmentation techniques for both text and image data. Our model combines a custom-trained Swin image encoder with a BERT text decoder, which we pre-train using a large-scale augmented synthetic data set and fine-tune on the small human-labeled data set. Experimental results reveal that our approach surpasses the performance of current state-of-the-art models for Old Occitan HTR, including open-source Transformer-based models such as a fine-tuned TrOCR and commercial applications like Google Cloud Vision. To nurture further research and development, we make our models, data sets, and code publicly available.
Hyperparameter optimization constitutes a large part of typical modern machine learning (ML) workflows. This arises from the fact that ML methods and corresponding preprocessing steps often only yield optimal performance when hyperparameters are properly tuned. But in many applications, we are not only interested in optimizing ML pipelines solely for predictive accuracy; additional metrics or constraints must be considered when determining an optimal configuration, resulting in a multi-objective optimization problem. This is often neglected in practice, due to a lack of knowledge and readily available software implementations for multi-objective hyperparameter optimization. In this work, we introduce the reader to the basics of multi-objective hyperparameter optimization and motivate its usefulness in applied ML. Furthermore, we provide an extensive survey of existing optimization strategies from the domains of evolutionary algorithms and Bayesian optimization. We illustrate the utility of multi-objective optimization in several specific ML applications, considering objectives such as operating conditions, prediction time, sparseness, fairness, interpretability, and robustness.
Michel Lang
* Former member
Optimizing a machine learning (ML) pipeline for radiomics analysis involves numerous choices in data set composition, preprocessing, and model selection. Objective identification of the optimal setup is complicated by correlated features, interdependency structures, and a multitude of available ML algorithms. Therefore, we present a radiomics-based benchmarking framework to optimize a comprehensive ML pipeline for the prediction of overall survival. This study is conducted on an image set of patients with hepatic metastases of colorectal cancer, for which radiomics features of the whole liver and of metastases from computed tomography images were calculated. A mixed model approach was used to find the optimal pipeline configuration and to identify the added prognostic value of radiomics features.
We argue that interpretations of machine learning (ML) models or the model-building process can be seen as a form of sensitivity analysis (SA), a general methodology used to explain complex systems in many fields such as environmental modeling, engineering, or economics. We address both researchers and practitioners, calling attention to the benefits of a unified SA-based view of explanations in ML and the necessity to fully credit related work. We bridge the gap between both fields by formally describing how (a) the ML process is a system suitable for SA, (b) how existing ML interpretation methods relate to this perspective, and (c) how other SA techniques could be applied to ML.
In this work, we propose an efficient implementation of mixtures of experts distributional regression models which exploits robust estimation by using stochastic first-order optimization techniques with adaptive learning rate schedulers. We take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of neural network software and implement the proposed framework in mixdistreg, an R software package that allows for the definition of mixtures of many different families, estimation in high-dimensional and large sample size settings and robust optimization based on TensorFlow. Numerical experiments with simulated and real-world data applications show that optimization is as reliable as estimation via classical approaches in many different settings and that results may be obtained for complicated scenarios where classical approaches consistently fail.
Wildlife camera trap images are being used extensively to investigate animal abundance, habitat associations, and behavior, which is complicated by the fact that experts must first classify the images to retrieve relevant information. Artificial intelligence systems can take over this task but usually need a large number of already-labeled training images to achieve sufficient performance. This requirement necessitates human expert labor and poses a particular challenge for projects with few cameras or short durations. We propose a label-efficient learning strategy that enables researchers with small or medium-sized image databases to leverage the potential of modern machine learning, thus freeing crucial resources for subsequent analyses. Our methodological proposal is twofold: On the one hand, we improve current strategies of combining object detection and image classification by tuning the hyperparameters of both models. On the other hand, we provide an active learning system that allows training deep learning models very efficiently in terms of required manually labeled training images. We supply a software package that enables researchers to use these methods without specific programming skills and thereby ensure the broad applicability of the proposed framework in ecological practice. We show that our tuning strategy improves predictive performance, emphasizing that tuning can and must be done separately for a new data set. We demonstrate how the active learning pipeline reduces the amount of pre-labeled data needed to achieve specific predictive performance and that it is especially valuable for improving out-of-sample predictive performance. We conclude that the combination of tuning and active learning increases the predictive performance of automated image classifiers substantially. Furthermore, we argue that our work can broadly impact the community through the ready-to-use software package provided. Finally, the publication of our models tailored to European wildlife data enriches existing model bases mostly trained on data from Africa and North America.
Purpose: To analyze and remove protected feature effects in chest radiograph embeddings of deep learning models. Methods: An orthogonalization is utilized to remove the influence of protected features (e.g., age, sex, race) in CXR embeddings, ensuring feature-independent results. To validate the efficacy of the approach, we retrospectively study the MIMIC and CheXpert datasets using three pre-trained models, namely a supervised contrastive, a self-supervised contrastive, and a baseline classifier model. Our statistical analysis involves comparing the original versus the orthogonalized embeddings by estimating protected feature influences and evaluating the ability to predict race, age, or sex using the two types of embeddings. Results: Our experiments reveal a significant influence of protected features on predictions of pathologies. Applying orthogonalization removes these feature effects. Apart from removing any influence on pathology classification, while maintaining competitive predictive performance, orthogonalized embeddings further make it infeasible to directly predict protected attributes and mitigate subgroup disparities. Conclusion: The presented work demonstrates the successful application and evaluation of the orthogonalization technique in the domain of chest X-ray image classification.
Estimating the generalization error (GE) of machine learning models is fundamental, with resampling methods being the most common approach. However, in non-standard settings, particularly those where observations are not independently and identically distributed, resampling using simple random data divisions may lead to biased GE estimates. This paper strives to present well-grounded guidelines for GE estimation in various such non-standard settings: clustered data, spatial data, unequal sampling probabilities, concept drift, and hierarchically structured outcomes. Our overview combines well-established methodologies with other existing methods that, to our knowledge, have not been frequently considered in these particular settings. A unifying principle among these techniques is that the test data used in each iteration of the resampling procedure should reflect the new observations to which the model will be applied, while the training data should be representative of the entire data set used to obtain the final model. Beyond providing an overview, we address literature gaps by conducting simulation studies. These studies assess the necessity of using GE-estimation methods tailored to the respective setting. Our findings corroborate the concern that standard resampling methods often yield biased GE estimates in non-standard settings, underscoring the importance of tailored GE estimation.
Forward marginal effects have recently been introduced as a versatile and effective model-agnostic interpretation method particularly suited for non-linear and non-parametric prediction models. They provide comprehensible model explanations of the form: if we change feature values by a pre-specified step size, what is the change in the predicted outcome? We present the R package fmeffects, the first software implementation of the theory surrounding forward marginal effects. The relevant theoretical background, package functionality and handling, as well as the software design and options for future extensions are discussed in this paper.
A decision can be defined as fair if equal individuals are treated equally and unequals unequally. Adopting this definition, the task of designing machine learning models that mitigate unfairness in automated decision-making systems must include causal thinking when introducing protected attributes. Following a recent proposal, we define individuals as being normatively equal if they are equal in a fictitious, normatively desired (FiND) world, where the protected attribute has no (direct or indirect) causal effect on the target. We propose rank-preserving interventional distributions to define an estimand of this FiND world and a warping method for estimation. Evaluation criteria for both the method and resulting model are presented and validated through simulations and empirical data. With this, we show that our warping approach effectively identifies the most discriminated individuals and mitigates unfairness.
Surrogate models play a crucial role in retrospectively interpreting complex and powerful black box machine learning models via model distillation. This paper focuses on using model-based trees as surrogate models which partition the feature space into interpretable regions via decision rules. Within each region, interpretable models based on additive main effects are used to approximate the behavior of the black box model, striking for an optimal balance between interpretability and performance. Four model-based tree algorithms, namely SLIM, GUIDE, MOB, and CTree, are compared regarding their ability to generate such surrogate models. We investigate fidelity, interpretability, stability, and the algorithms’ capability to capture interaction effects through appropriate splits. Based on our comprehensive analyses, we finally provide an overview of user-specific recommendations.
With the introduction of ChatGPT, OpenAI made large language models (LLM) accessible to users with limited IT expertise. However, users with no background in natural language processing (NLP) might lack a proper understanding of LLMs. Thus the awareness of their inherent limitations, and therefore will take the systems’ output at face value. In this paper, we systematically analyse prompts and the generated responses to identify possible problematic issues with a special focus on gender biases, which users need to be aware of when processing the system’s output. We explore how ChatGPT reacts in English and German if prompted to answer from a female, male, or neutral perspective. In an in-depth investigation, we examine selected prompts and analyse to what extent responses differ if the system is prompted several times in an identical way. On this basis, we show that ChatGPT is indeed useful for helping non-IT users draft texts for their daily work. However, it is absolutely crucial to thoroughly check the system’s responses for biases as well as for syntactic and grammatical mistakes.
Recent studies have demonstrated how to assess the stereotypical bias in pre-trained English language models. In this work, we extend this branch of research in multiple different dimensions by systematically investigating (a) mono- and multilingual models of (b) different underlying architectures with respect to their bias in (c) multiple different languages. To that end, we make use of the English StereoSet data set (Nadeem et al., 2021), which we semi-automatically translate into German, French, Spanish, and Turkish. We find that it is of major importance to conduct this type of analysis in a multilingual setting, as our experiments show a much more nuanced picture as well as notable differences from the English-only analysis. The main takeaways from our analysis are that mGPT-2 (partly) shows surprising anti-stereotypical behavior across languages, English (monolingual) models exhibit the strongest bias, and the stereotypes reflected in the data set are least present in Turkish models. Finally, we release our codebase alongside the translated data sets and practical guidelines for the semi-automatic translation to encourage a further extension of our work to other languages.
This work introduces interpretable regional descriptors, or IRDs, for local, model-agnostic interpretations. IRDs are hyperboxes that describe how an observation’s feature values can be changed without affecting its prediction. They justify a prediction by providing a set of “even if” arguments (semi-factual explanations), and they indicate which features affect a prediction and whether pointwise biases or implausibilities exist. A concrete use case shows that this is valuable for both machine learning modelers and persons subject to a decision. We formalize the search for IRDs as an optimization problem and introduce a unifying framework for computing IRDs that covers desiderata, initialization techniques, and a post-processing method. We show how existing hyperbox methods can be adapted to fit into this unified framework. A benchmark study compares the methods based on several quality measures and identifies two strategies to improve IRDs.
Deep active learning (DAL) seeks to reduce annotation costs by enabling the model to actively query instance annotations from which it expects to learn the most. Despite extensive research, there is currently no standardized evaluation protocol for transformer-based language models in the field of DAL. Diverse experimental settings lead to difficulties in comparing research and deriving recommendations for practitioners. To tackle this challenge, we propose the ACTIVEGLAE benchmark, a comprehensive collection of data sets and evaluation guidelines for assessing DAL. Our benchmark aims to facilitate and streamline the evaluation process of novel DAL strategies. Additionally, we provide an extensive overview of current practice in DAL with transformer-based language models. We identify three key challenges - data set selection, model training, and DAL settings - that pose difficulties in comparing query strategies. We establish baseline results through an extensive set of experiments as a reference point for evaluating future work. Based on our findings, we provide guidelines for researchers and practitioners.
Bayesian inference in deep neural networks is challenging due to the high-dimensional, strongly multi-modal parameter posterior density landscape. Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches asymptotically recover the true posterior but are considered prohibitively expensive for large modern architectures. Local methods, which have emerged as a popular alternative, focus on specific parameter regions that can be approximated by functions with tractable integrals. While these often yield satisfactory empirical results, they fail, by definition, to account for the multi-modality of the parameter posterior. Such coarse approximations can be detrimental in practical applications, notably safety-critical ones. In this work, we argue that the dilemma between exact-but-unaffordable and cheap-but-inexact approaches can be mitigated by exploiting symmetries in the posterior landscape. These symmetries, induced by neuron interchangeability and certain activation functions, manifest in different parameter values leading to the same functional output value. We show theoretically that the posterior predictive density in Bayesian neural networks can be restricted to a symmetry-free parameter reference set. By further deriving an upper bound on the number of Monte Carlo chains required to capture the functional diversity, we propose a straightforward approach for feasible Bayesian inference. Our experiments suggest that efficient sampling is indeed possible, opening up a promising path to accurate uncertainty quantification in deep learning.
Three fields revolving around the question of how to cope with limited amounts of labeled data are Deep Active Learning (DAL), deep Constrained Clustering (CC), and Weakly Supervised Learning (WSL). DAL tackles the problem by adaptively posing the question of which data samples to annotate next in order to achieve the best incremental learning improvement, although it suffers from several limitations that hinder its deployment in practical settings. We point out how CC algorithms and WSL could be employed to overcome these limitations and increase the practical applicability of DAL research. Specifically, we discuss the opportunities to use the class discovery capabilities of CC and the possibility of further reducing human annotation efforts by utilizing WSL. We argue that the practical applicability of DAL algorithms will benefit from employing CC and WSL methods for the learning and labeling process. We inspect the overlaps between the three research areas and identify relevant and exciting research questions at the intersection of these areas.
Benchmark experiments are one of the cornerstones of modern machine learning research. An essential part in the design of such experiments is the selection of datasets. We present the OpenML Curated Tabular Regression benchmarking suite 2023 (OpenML-CTR23). It is available on OpenML and comprises 35 regression problems that have been selected according to a set of strict criteria. We compare its design with existing regression benchmark suites and also challenge some of the dataset choices of previous efforts. As a first experiment, we compare five machine learning methods of varying complexity on the OpenML-CTR23.
Automated machine learning (AutoML) systems commonly ensemble models post hoc to improve predictive performance, typically via greedy ensemble selection (GES). However, we believe that GES may not always be optimal, as it performs a simple deterministic greedy search. In this work, we introduce two novel population-based ensemble selection methods, QO-ES and QDO-ES, and compare them to GES. While QO-ES optimises solely for predictive performance, QDO-ES also considers the diversity of ensembles within the population, maintaining a diverse set of well-performing ensembles during optimisation based on ideas of quality diversity optimisation. The methods are evaluated using 71 classification datasets from the AutoML benchmark, demonstrating that QO-ES and QDO-ES often outrank GES, albeit only statistically significant on validation data. Our results further suggest that diversity can be beneficial for post hoc ensembling but also increases the risk of overfitting.
Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) methods can determine well-performing hyperparameter configurations efficiently but often lack insights and transparency. We propose to apply symbolic regression to meta-data collected with Bayesian optimization (BO) during HPO. In contrast to prior approaches explaining the effects of hyperparameters on model performance, symbolic regression allows for obtaining explicit formulas quantifying the relation between hyperparameter values and model performance. Overall, our approach aims to make the HPO process more explainable and human-centered, addressing the needs of multiple user groups: First, providing insights into the HPO process can support data scientists and machine learning practitioners in their decisions when using and interacting with HPO tools. Second, obtaining explicit formulas and inspecting their properties could help researchers understand the HPO loss landscape better. In an experimental evaluation, we find that naively applying symbolic regression directly to meta-data collected during HPO is affected by the sampling bias introduced by BO. However, the true underlying loss landscape can be approximated by fitting the symbolic regression on the surrogate model trained during BO. By penalizing longer formulas, symbolic regression furthermore allows the user to decide how to balance the accuracy and explainability of the resulting formulas.
The Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities aims to digitize the Medieval Latin Dictionary. This dictionary entails record cards referring to lemmas in medieval Latin, a low-resource language. A crucial step of the digitization process is the handwritten text recognition (HTR) of the handwritten lemmas on the record cards. In our work, we introduce an end-to-end pipeline, tailored for the medieval Latin dictionary, for locating, extracting, and transcribing the lemmas. We employ two state-of-the-art image segmentation models to prepare the initial data set for the HTR task. Further, we experiment with different transformer-based models and conduct a set of experiments to explore the capabilities of different combinations of vision encoders with a GPT-2 decoder. Additionally, we also apply extensive data augmentation resulting in a highly competitive model. The best-performing setup achieved a character error rate of 0.015, which is even superior to the commercial Google Cloud Vision model, and shows more stable performance.
Deep learning in bioinformatics is often limited to problems where extensive amounts of labeled data are available for supervised classification. By exploiting unlabeled data, self-supervised learning techniques can improve the performance of machine learning models in the presence of limited labeled data. Although many self-supervised learning methods have been suggested before, they have failed to exploit the unique characteristics of genomic data. Therefore, we introduce Self-GenomeNet, a self-supervised learning technique that is custom-tailored for genomic data. Self-GenomeNet leverages reverse-complement sequences and effectively learns short- and long-term dependencies by predicting targets of different lengths. Self-GenomeNet performs better than other self-supervised methods in data-scarce genomic tasks and outperforms standard supervised training with ~10 times fewer labeled training data. Furthermore, the learned representations generalize well to new datasets and tasks. These findings suggest that Self-GenomeNet is well suited for large-scale, unlabeled genomic datasets and could substantially improve the performance of genomic models.
Artificial benchmark functions are commonly used in optimization research because of their ability to rapidly evaluate potential solutions, making them a preferred substitute for real-world problems. However, these benchmark functions have faced criticism for their limited resemblance to real-world problems. In response, recent research has focused on automatically generating new benchmark functions for areas where established test suites are inadequate. These approaches have limitations, such as the difficulty of generating new benchmark functions that exhibit exploratory landscape analysis (ELA) features beyond those of existing benchmarks. The objective of this work is to develop a method for generating benchmark functions for single-objective continuous optimization with user-specified structural properties. Specifically, we aim to demonstrate a proof of concept for a method that uses an ELA feature vector to specify these properties in advance. To achieve this, we begin by generating a random sample of decision space variables and objective values. We then adjust the objective values using CMA-ES until the corresponding features of our new problem match the predefined ELA features within a specified threshold. By iteratively transforming the landscape in this way, we ensure that the resulting function exhibits the desired properties. To create the final function, we use the resulting point cloud as training data for a simple neural network that produces a function exhibiting the target ELA features. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by replicating the existing functions of the well-known BBOB suite and creating new functions with ELA feature values that are not present in BBOB.
Deep learning has enabled outstanding progress on bioinformatics datasets and a variety of tasks, such as protein structure prediction, identification of regulatory regions, genome annotation, and interpretation of the noncoding genome. The layout and configuration of neural networks used for these tasks have mostly been developed manually by human experts, which is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Therefore, there is growing interest in automated neural architecture search (NAS) methods in bioinformatics. In this paper, we present a novel search space for NAS algorithms that operate on genome data, thus creating extensions for existing NAS algorithms for sequence data that we name Genome-DARTS, Genome-P-DARTS, Genome-BONAS, Genome-SH, and Genome-RS. Moreover, we introduce two novel NAS algorithms, CWP-DARTS and EDPDARTS, that build on and extend the idea of P-DARTS. We evaluate the presented methods and compare them to manually designed neural architectures on a widely used genome sequence machine learning task to show that NAS methods can be adapted well for bioinformatics sequence datasets. Our experiments show that architectures optimized by our NAS methods outperform manually developed architectures while having significantly fewer parameters.
Cross-modal representation learning learns a shared embedding between two or more modalities to improve performance in a given task compared to using only one of the modalities. Cross-modal representation learning from different data types - such as images and time-series data (e.g., audio or text data) – requires a deep metric learning loss that minimizes the distance between the modality embeddings. In this paper, we propose to use the contrastive or triplet loss, which uses positive and negative identities to create sample pairs with different labels, for cross-modal representation learning between image and time-series modalities (CMR-IS). By adapting the triplet loss for cross-modal representation learning, higher accuracy in the main (time-series classification) task can be achieved by exploiting additional information of the auxiliary (image classification) task. We present a triplet loss with a dynamic margin for single label and sequence-to-sequence classification tasks. We perform extensive evaluations on synthetic image and time-series data, and on data for offline handwriting recognition (HWR) and on online HWR from sensor-enhanced pens for classifying written words. Our experiments show an improved classification accuracy, faster convergence, and better generalizability due to an improved cross-modal representation. Furthermore, the more suitable generalizability leads to a better adaptability between writers for online HWR.
The quantification of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in terms of conditional entropy and mutual information, respectively, has recently become quite common in machine learning. While the properties of these measures, which are rooted in information theory, seem appealing at first glance, we identify various incoherencies that call their appropriateness into question. In addition to the measures themselves, we critically discuss the idea of an additive decomposition of total uncertainty into its aleatoric and epistemic constituents. Experiments across different computer vision tasks support our theoretical findings and raise concerns about current practice in uncertainty quantification.
Scientists and practitioners increasingly rely on machine learning to model data and draw conclusions. Compared to statistical modeling approaches, machine learning makes fewer explicit assumptions about data structures, such as linearity. However, their model parameters usually cannot be easily related to the data generating process. To learn about the modeled relationships, partial dependence (PD) plots and permutation feature importance (PFI) are often used as interpretation methods. However, PD and PFI lack a theory that relates them to the data generating process. We formalize PD and PFI as statistical estimators of ground truth estimands rooted in the data generating process. We show that PD and PFI estimates deviate from this ground truth due to statistical biases, model variance and Monte Carlo approximation errors. To account for model variance in PD and PFI estimation, we propose the learner-PD and the learner-PFI based on model refits, and propose corrected variance and confidence interval estimators.
Constrained clustering allows the training of classi-fication models using pairwise constraints only, which are weak and relatively easy to mine, while still yielding full-supervision-level model performance. While they perform well even in the absence of the true underlying class labels, constrained clustering models still require large amounts of binary constraint annotations for training. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised context whereby a large amount of unconstrained data is available alongside a smaller set of constraints, and propose ConstraintMatch to leverage such unconstrained data. While a great deal of progress has been made in semi-supervised learning using full labels, there are a number of challenges that prevent a naive application of the resulting methods in the constraint-based label setting. Therefore, we reason about and analyze these challenges, specifically 1) proposing a pseudo-constraining mechanism to overcome the confirmation bias, a major weakness of pseudo-labeling, 2) developing new methods for pseudo-labeling towards the selection of informative unconstrained samples, 3) showing that this also allows the use of pairwise loss functions for the initial and auxiliary losses which facilitates semi-constrained model training. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of ConstraintMatch over relevant baselines in both the regular clustering and overclustering scenarios on five challenging benchmarks and provide analyses of its several components.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) enable learning from various data modalities, such as images or text. This concept has also found its way into statistical modelling through the use of semi-structured regression, a model additively combining structured predictors with unstructured effects from arbitrary data modalities learned through a DNN. This paper introduces a new framework called sparse modality regression (SMR). SMR is a regression model combining different data modalities and uses a group lasso-type regularization approach to perform modality selection by zeroing out potentially uninformative modalities.
We present a model-agnostic framework for jointly optimizing the predictive performance and interpretability of supervised machine learning models for tabular data. Interpretability is quantified via three measures: feature sparsity, interaction sparsity of features, and sparsity of non-monotone feature effects. By treating hyperparameter optimization of a machine learning algorithm as a multi-objective optimization problem, our framework allows for generating diverse models that trade off high performance and ease of interpretability in a single optimization run. Efficient optimization is achieved via augmentation of the search space of the learning algorithm by incorporating feature selection, interaction and monotonicity constraints into the hyperparameter search space. We demonstrate that the optimization problem effectively translates to finding the Pareto optimal set of groups of selected features that are allowed to interact in a model, along with finding their optimal monotonicity constraints and optimal hyperparameters of the learning algorithm itself. We then introduce a novel evolutionary algorithm that can operate efficiently on this augmented search space. In benchmark experiments, we show that our framework is capable of finding diverse models that are highly competitive or outperform state-of-the-art XGBoost or Explainable Boosting Machine models, both with respect to performance and interpretability.
Annotating costs of large corpora are still one of the main bottlenecks in empirical social science research. On the one hand, making use of the capabilities of domain transfer allows re-using annotated data sets and trained models. On the other hand, it is not clear how well domain transfer works and how reliable the results are for transfer across different dimensions. We explore the potential of domain transfer across geographical locations, languages, time, and genre in a large-scale database of political manifestos. First, we show the strong within-domain classification performance of fine-tuned transformer models. Second, we vary the genre of the test set across the aforementioned dimensions to test for the fine-tuned models’ robustness and transferability. For switching genres, we use an external corpus of transcribed speeches from New Zealand politicians while for the other three dimensions, custom splits of the Manifesto database are used. While BERT achieves the best scores in the initial experiments across modalities, DistilBERT proves to be competitive at a lower computational expense and is thus used for further experiments across time and country. The results of the additional analysis show that (Distil)BERT can be applied to future data with similar performance. Moreover, we observe (partly) notable differences between the political manifestos of different countries of origin, even if these countries share a language or a cultural background.
We present a framework for smooth optimization of explicitly regularized objectives for (structured) sparsity. These non-smooth and possibly non-convex problems typically rely on solvers tailored to specific models and regularizers. In contrast, our method enables fully differentiable and approximation-free optimization and is thus compatible with the ubiquitous gradient descent paradigm in deep learning. The proposed optimization transfer comprises an overparameterization of selected parameters and a change of penalties. In the overparametrized problem, smooth surrogate regularization induces non-smooth, sparse regularization in the base parametrization. We prove that the surrogate objective is equivalent in the sense that it not only has identical global minima but also matching local minima, thereby avoiding the introduction of spurious solutions. Additionally, our theory establishes results of independent interest regarding matching local minima for arbitrary, potentially unregularized, objectives. We comprehensively review sparsity-inducing parametrizations across different fields that are covered by our general theory, extend their scope, and propose improvements in several aspects. Numerical experiments further demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of our approach on several sparse learning problems ranging from high-dimensional regression to sparse neural network training.
Purpose: Self-supervised learning methods have made a significant impact in recent years on different domains, such as natural language processing and computer vision. Here, we develop a new self-supervised framework for simultaneous retina image clustering and self-supervised representation learning to enhance the diagnosis of glaucoma.
Methods: The network is optimized using both a contrastive self-supervised network and a clustering network that clustering helps to improve the embedding representation. Our method comprises two parallel deep networks; 1) a representation network which is a self-supervised contrastive representation network that takes two augmented views of the retina image, and 2) an image clustering or self-labeling network that takes original retina images. The representation network first projects the augmented views onto an embedding space. Then it processes these representations in a multi-layer perceptron head, which generates the baseline for the pair-wise contrastive objective. On the other hand, the clustering network performs KL divergence on the top embedding layer of the representation network.
Results: We train our framework for simultaneous representation learning and self-labeling using a clustering network. We follow standard protocols by self-supervised learning for empirical analysis and evaluate the learned representation of our model by classification (Table 1), as well as image clustering tasks (Table 2) on two different Glaucoma datasets. According to the result shown in Table 1, our method improves the results of Glaucoma classification by up to 14%, better compared to SOTA self-supervised algorithm in terms of F1 score and 2% better for the task of clustering. Glaucoma-1 is composed of the labeled subset of the human retinal images used in [1]. This dataset contains 2,397 images in total, with 956 glaucoma diagnoses. While the training set for Glaucoma-2 [2] was released by the REFUGE-2 challenge.
Conclusions: We showed that combining self-supervised representation learning along with self-labeling improves the learned representation compared to the existing self-supervised learning models on retina-based glaucoma detection by up to 14% better. Moreover, our method outperformed other self-supervised methods for image clustering tasks.
While recent advances in large-scale foundational models show promising results, their application to the medical domain has not yet been explored in detail. In this paper, we progress into the realms of large-scale modeling in medical synthesis by proposing Cheff - a foundational cascaded latent diffusion model, which generates highly-realistic chest radiographs providing state-of-the-art quality on a 1-megapixel scale. We further propose MaCheX, which is a unified interface for public chest datasets and forms the largest open collection of chest X-rays up to date. With Cheff conditioned on radiological reports, we further guide the synthesis process over text prompts and unveil the research area of report-to-chest-X-ray generation.
Multivariate time series measurements in plasma diagnostics present several challenges when training machine learning models: the availability of only a few labeled data increases the risk of overfitting, and missing data points or outliers due to sensor failures pose additional difficulties. To overcome these issues, we introduce a fast and robust regression model that enables imputation of missing points and data augmentation by massive sampling while exploiting the inherent correlation between input signals. The underlying Student-t process allows for a noise distribution with heavy tails and thus produces robust results in the case of outliers. We consider the state space form of the Student-t process, which reduces the computational complexity and makes the model suitable for high-resolution time series. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method using two test cases, one of which was inspired by measurements of flux loop signals.
Katharina Rath
* Former member
We propose a general-purpose variational algorithm that forms a natural analogue of Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) in function space. While SVGD successively updates a set of particles to match a target density, the method introduced here of Stein functional variational gradient descent (SFVGD) updates a set of particle functions to match a target stochastic process (SP). The update step is found by minimizing the functional derivative of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between SPs. SFVGD can either be used to train Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) or for ensemble gradient boosting. We show the efficacy of training BNNs with SFVGD on various real-world datasets.
Semi-structured regression (SSR) models jointly learn the effect of structured (tabular) and unstructured (non-tabular) data through additive predictors and deep neural networks (DNNs), respectively. Inference in SSR models aims at deriving confidence intervals for the structured predictor, although current approaches ignore the variance of the DNN estimation of the unstructured effects. This results in an underestimation of the variance of the structured coefficients and, thus, an increase of Type-I error rates. To address this shortcoming, we present here a theoretical framework for structured inference in SSR models that incorporates the variance of the DNN estimate into confidence intervals for the structured predictor. By treating this estimate as a random offset with known variance, our formulation is agnostic to the specific deep uncertainty quantification method employed. Through numerical experiments and a practical application on a medical dataset, we show that our approach results in increased coverage of the true structured coefficients and thus a reduction in Type-I error rate compared to ignoring the variance of the neural network, naive ensembling of SSR models, and a variational inference baseline.
The Shapley Additive Global Importance (SAGE) value is a theoretically appealing interpretability method that fairly attributes global importance to a model’s features. However, its exact calculation requires the computation of the feature’s surplus performance contributions over an exponential number of feature sets. This is computationally expensive, particularly because estimating the surplus contributions requires sampling from conditional distributions. Thus, SAGE approximation algorithms only take a fraction of the feature sets into account. We propose $d$-SAGE, a method that accelerates SAGE approximation. $d$-SAGE is motivated by the observation that conditional independencies (CIs) between a feature and the model target imply zero surplus contributions, such that their computation can be skipped. To identify CIs, we leverage causal structure learning (CSL) to infer a graph that encodes (conditional) independencies in the data as $d$-separations. This is computationally more efficient because the expense of the one-time graph inference and the $d$-separation queries is negligible compared to the expense of surplus contribution evaluations. Empirically we demonstrate that $d$-SAGE enables the efficient and accurate estimation of SAGE values.
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
Modern machine learning models are often constructed taking into account multiple objectives, e.g., minimizing inference time while also maximizing accuracy. Multi-objective hyperparameter optimization (MHPO) algorithms return such candidate models, and the approximation of the Pareto front is used to assess their performance. In practice, we also want to measure generalization when moving from the validation to the test set. However, some of the models might no longer be Pareto-optimal which makes it unclear how to quantify the performance of the MHPO method when evaluated on the test set. To resolve this, we provide a novel evaluation protocol that allows measuring the generalization performance of MHPO methods and studying its capabilities for comparing two optimization experiments.
Componentwise boosting (CWB), also known as model-based boosting, is a variant of gradient boosting that builds on additive models as base learners to ensure interpretability. CWB is thus often used in research areas where models are employed as tools to explain relationships in data. One downside of CWB is its computational complexity in terms of memory and runtime. In this article, we propose two techniques to overcome these issues without losing the properties of CWB: feature discretization of numerical features and incorporating Nesterov momentum into functional gradient descent. As the latter can be prone to early overfitting, we also propose a hybrid approach that prevents a possibly diverging gradient descent routine while ensuring faster convergence. Our adaptions improve vanilla CWB by reducing memory consumption and speeding up the computation time per iteration (through feature discretization) while also enabling CWB learn faster and hence to require fewer iterations in total using momentum. We perform extensive benchmarks on multiple simulated and real-world datasets to demonstrate the improvements in runtime and memory consumption while maintaining state-of-the-art estimation and prediction performance.
Counterfactual explanation methods provide information on how feature values of individual observations must be changed to obtain a desired prediction. Despite the increasing amount of proposed methods in research, only a few implementations exist whose interfaces and requirements vary widely. In this work, we introduce the counterfactuals R package, which provides a modular and unified R6-based interface for counterfactual explanation methods. We implemented three existing counterfactual explanation methods and propose some optional methodological extensions to generalize these methods to different scenarios and to make them more comparable. We explain the structure and workflow of the package using real use cases and show how to integrate additional counterfactual explanation methods into the package. In addition, we compared the implemented methods for a variety of models and datasets with regard to the quality of their counterfactual explanations and their runtime behavior.
Despite all the benefits of automated hyperparameter optimization (HPO), most modern HPO algorithms are black-boxes themselves. This makes it difficult to understand the decision process which leads to the selected configuration, reduces trust in HPO, and thus hinders its broad adoption. Here, we study the combination of HPO with interpretable machine learning (IML) methods such as partial dependence plots. These techniques are more and more used to explain the marginal effect of hyperparameters on the black-box cost function or to quantify the importance of hyperparameters. However, if such methods are naively applied to the experimental data of the HPO process in a post-hoc manner, the underlying sampling bias of the optimizer can distort interpretations. We propose a modified HPO method which efficiently balances the search for the global optimum w.r.t. predictive performance and the reliable estimation of IML explanations of an underlying black-box function by coupling Bayesian optimization and Bayesian Algorithm Execution. On benchmark cases of both synthetic objectives and HPO of a neural network, we demonstrate that our method returns more reliable explanations of the underlying black-box without a loss of optimization performance.
Most machine learning algorithms are configured by a set of hyperparameters whose values must be carefully chosen and which often considerably impact performance. To avoid a time-consuming and irreproducible manual process of trial-and-error to find well-performing hyperparameter configurations, various automatic hyperparameter optimization (HPO) methods—for example, based on resampling error estimation for supervised machine learning—can be employed. After introducing HPO from a general perspective, this paper reviews important HPO methods, from simple techniques such as grid or random search to more advanced methods like evolution strategies, Bayesian optimization, Hyperband, and racing. This work gives practical recommendations regarding important choices to be made when conducting HPO, including the HPO algorithms themselves, performance evaluation, how to combine HPO with machine learning pipelines, runtime improvements, and parallelization.
Michel Lang
* Former member
Theresa Ullmann
Biometry in Molecular Medicine
Algorithmic recourse recommendations, such as Karimi et al.’s (2021) causal recourse (CR), inform stakeholders of how to act to revert unfavorable decisions. However, there are actions that lead to acceptance (i.e., revert the model’s decision) but do not lead to improvement (i.e., may not revert the underlying real-world state). To recommend such actions is to recommend fooling the predictor. We introduce a novel method, Improvement-Focused Causal Recourse (ICR), which involves a conceptual shift: Firstly, we require ICR recommendations to guide toward improvement. Secondly, we do not tailor the recommendations to be accepted by a specific predictor. Instead, we leverage causal knowledge to design decision systems that predict accurately pre- and post-recourse. As a result, improvement guarantees translate into acceptance guarantees. We demonstrate that given correct causal knowledge ICR, in contrast to existing approaches, guides toward both acceptance and improvement.
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
Our R (R Core Team, 2021) package dsBinVal implements the methodology explained by Schalk et al. (2022). It extends the ROC-GLM (Pepe, 2000) to distributed data by using techniques of differential privacy (Dwork et al., 2006) and the idea of sharing highly aggregated values only. The package also exports functionality to calculate distributed calibration curves and assess the calibration. Using the package allows us to evaluate a prognostic model based on a binary outcome using the DataSHIELD (Gaye et al., 2014) framework. Therefore, the main functionality makes it able to 1) compute the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve using the ROC-GLM from which 2) the area under the curve (AUC) and confidence intervals (CI) are derived to conduct hypothesis testing according to DeLong et al. (1988). Furthermore, 3) the calibration can be assessed distributively via calibration curves and the Brier score. Visualizing the approximated ROC curve, the AUC with confidence intervals, and the calibration curves using ggplot2 is also supported. Examples can be found in the README file of the repository.
The interpretation of feature importance in machine learning models is challenging when features are dependent. Permutation feature importance (PFI) ignores such dependencies, which can cause misleading interpretations due to extrapolation. A possible remedy is more advanced conditional PFI approaches that enable the assessment of feature importance conditional on all other features. Due to this shift in perspective and in order to enable correct interpretations, it is beneficial if the conditioning is transparent and comprehensible. In this paper, we propose a new sampling mechanism for the conditional distribution based on permutations in conditional subgroups. As these subgroups are constructed using tree-based methods such as transformation trees, the conditioning becomes inherently interpretable. This not only provides a simple and effective estimator of conditional PFI, but also local PFI estimates within the subgroups. In addition, we apply the conditional subgroups approach to partial dependence plots, a popular method for describing feature effects that can also suffer from extrapolation when features are dependent and interactions are present in the model. In simulations and a real-world application, we demonstrate the advantages of the conditional subgroup approach over existing methods: It allows to compute conditional PFI that is more true to the data than existing proposals and enables a fine-grained interpretation of feature effects and importance within the conditional subgroups.
This thesis explores the growing intersection of machine learning and causality through seven articles, offering new insights into how these fields can enhance one another. It addresses key topics, including adapting machine learning algorithms for heterogeneous treatment effect estimation, where combining causal and model-based forest elements improves performance across diverse datasets. Additionally, the thesis introduces advanced interpretability tools, proposing methods to generate multiple counterfactual and semi-factual explanations that aid in fairness assessments and address interpretability challenges. A modular R package developed in this work provides accessible tools for researchers to apply and compare counterfactual explanation methods, further bridging machine learning and causal inference for practical applications. (Shortened).
This thesis advances precision medicine by leveraging artificial intelligence to improve cancer immunotherapy development and tackle key challenges in clinical trials, where high failure rates often stem from insufficient understanding of patient and disease-specific factors. Through novel computational frameworks for cancer vaccine design, methods for handling imbalanced biological data, and hybrid modeling techniques that combine clinical data with imaging, this work demonstrates AI’s potential to personalize and accelerate therapeutic development. These contributions collectively pave the way for more effective, targeted treatments, potentially reducing the time and cost to bring new therapies to market. (Shortened).
This thesis addresses methods for training machine learning models with limited labeled data, focusing on semi-supervised, positive unlabeled, constrained clustering, and transfer learning. It explores deep semi-supervised learning, particularly in time series and medical imaging contexts, and investigates positive unlabeled learning methods that utilize predictive uncertainty for self-training. The thesis also introduces weakly supervised learning for constrained clustering, combining it with semi-supervised approaches, and applies transfer learning to tasks with varying granularity in medical domains. (Shortened).
This thesis addresses the challenges of interpreting machine learning models, particularly focusing on the limitations of global explanation methods. It identifies two key issues: the human-incomprehensibility of high-dimensional outputs and the misleading interpretations caused by aggregation bias. The thesis proposes solutions to these problems, such as grouping features for simpler interpretations and using recursive partitioning algorithms to provide regional explanations, ensuring more accurate and understandable insights into model behavior. (Shortened.)
This thesis addresses fundamental challenges in the field of interpretable machine learning (IML), particularly the lack of a clear definition of ‘interpretability’, the potential misinterpretation of existing methods, and the computational difficulties of conditional-sampling-based techniques. By disentangling the different goals of interpretability, we provide clearer guidelines for deriving target estimands, with specific examples such as recourse and scientific inference. Additionally, we propose formal interpretation rules for feature importance, highlight common pitfalls in IML, and introduce efficient methods for estimating conditional-sampling techniques by leveraging the data’s dependence structure, with a strong emphasis on causal inference to improve clarity and computational efficiency. (Shortened.)
This thesis explores the intersection of Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) and explainable AI, addressing the need for transparency at multiple levels: the model, the learning algorithm, and the AutoML system itself. The work develops methods for enhancing model explainability through multi-objective hyperparameter optimization (HPO) and introduces new techniques to understand the effects of hyperparameters and optimizers within AutoML systems. These contributions advance the field by providing more interpretable and reliable tools for AutoML, ultimately increasing the accessibility and trustworthiness of machine learning models and their deployment. (Shortened.)
This thesis focuses on domain adaptation and cross-modal retrieval to address the challenges posed by domain shifts in machine learning applications. Specifically, it explores techniques for online handwriting recognition and visual self-localization. For handwriting recognition, the study uses deep metric learning and optimal transport to reduce domain shifts between different writing styles and writing modalities, while for visual self-localization, it enhances pose prediction through auxiliary tasks and representation learning fusion techniques to improve accuracy across sensor modalities. (Shortened.)
This thesis focuses on democratizing access to machine learning (ML) by improving automated machine learning (AutoML) systems and making ML tools more accessible to non-experts. Key contributions include methods to accelerate hyperparameter optimization by learning from previous experiments, the integration of fairness considerations in AutoML, and the development of software packages such as mlr3pipelines for creating machine learning pipelines and mlr3fairness for auditing and debiasing models. The thesis also includes tools for estimating and mitigating model fairness, such as the mcboost package for multi-calibration, addressing both the technical and ethical challenges of widespread ML deployment. (Shortened.)
This thesis focuses on enhancing component-wise boosting (CWB) by improving its efficiency and usability, particularly in high-dimensional feature spaces and distributed data settings. Key contributions include the optimization of the CWB algorithm through Nesterov’s momentum for faster fitting and reduced memory usage, as well as the development of the Autocompboost framework to integrate CWB with AutoML, emphasizing model interpretability. Additionally, the thesis introduces methods for evaluating binary classification models on distributed data using ROC analysis, and presents several R packages (compboost, dsCWB, Autocompboost, dsBinVal) that implement these advances. (Shortened.)
Epitope vaccines are a promising approach for precision treatment of pathogens, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and allergies. Effectively designing such vaccines requires accurate proteasomal cleavage prediction to ensure that the epitopes included in the vaccine trigger an immune response. The performance of proteasomal cleavage predictors has been steadily improving over the past decades owing to increasing data availability and methodological advances. In this review, we summarize the current proteasomal cleavage prediction landscape and, in light of recent progress in the field of deep learning, develop and compare a wide range of recent architectures and techniques, including long short-term memory (LSTM), transformers, and convolutional neural networks (CNN), as well as four different denoising techniques. All open-source cleavage predictors re-trained on our dataset performed within two AUC percentage points. Our comprehensive deep learning architecture benchmark improved performance by 1.7 AUC percentage points, while closed-source predictors performed considerably worse. We found that a wide range of architectures and training regimes all result in very similar performance, suggesting that the specific modeling approach employed has a limited impact on predictive performance compared to the specifics of the dataset employed. We speculate that the noise and implicit nature of data acquisition techniques used for training proteasomal cleavage prediction models and the complexity of biological processes of the antigen processing pathway are the major limiting factors. While biological complexity can be tackled by more data and, to a lesser extent, better models, noise and randomness inherently limit the maximum achievable predictive performance.
Research on multi-class text classification of short texts mainly focuses on supervised (transfer) learning approaches, requiring a finite set of pre-defined classes which is constant over time. This work explores deep constrained clustering (CC) as an alternative to supervised learning approaches in a setting with a dynamically changing number of classes, a task we introduce as dynamic topic discovery (DTD).We do so by using pairwise similarity constraints instead of instance-level class labels which allow for a flexible number of classes while exhibiting a competitive performance compared to supervised approaches. First, we substantiate this through a series of experiments and show that CC algorithms exhibit a predictive performance similar to state-of-the-art supervised learning algorithms while requiring less annotation effort. Second, we demonstrate the overclustering capabilities of deep CC for detecting topics in short text data sets in the absence of the ground truth class cardinality during model training. Third, we showcase that these capabilities can be leveraged for the DTD setting as a step towards dynamic learning over time and finally, we release our codebase to nurture further research in this area.
One of the most promising approaches for unsu-pervised learning is combining deep representation learning and deep clustering. Some recent works propose to simultaneously learn representation using deep neural networks and perform clustering by defining a clustering loss on top of embedded features. However, these approaches are sensitive to imbalanced data and out-of-distribution samples. As a consequence, these methods optimize clustering by pushing data close to randomly initialized cluster centers. This is problematic when the number of instances varies largely in different classes or a cluster with few samples has less chance to be assigned a good centroid. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a new unsupervised framework for joint debiased representation learning and image clustering. We simultaneously train two deep learning models, a deep representation network that captures the data distribution, and a deep clustering network that learns embedded features and performs clustering. Specifically, the clustering network and learning representation network both take advantage of our proposed statistics pooling block that represents mean, variance, and cardinality to handle the out-of-distribution samples and class imbalance. Our experiments show that using these repre-sentations, one can considerably improve results on imbalanced image clustering across a variety of image datasets. Moreover, the learned representations generalize well when transferred to the out-of-distribution dataset.
One major challenge of applying machine learning in genomics is the scarcity of labeled data, which often requires expensive and time-consuming physical experimentation under laboratory conditions to obtain. However, the advent of high throughput sequencing has made large quantities of unlabeled genome data available. This can be used to apply semi-supervised learning methods through representation learning. In this paper, we investigate the impact of a popular and well-established language model, namely BERT [Devlin et al., 2018], for sequence genome analysis. Specifically, we adapt DNABERT [Ji et al., 2021] to GenomeNet-BERT in order to produce useful representations for downstream tasks such as classification and semi10 supervised learning. We explore different pretraining setups and compare their performance on a virus genome classification task to strictly supervised training and baselines on different training set size setups. The conducted experiments show that this architecture provides an increase in performance compared to existing methods at the cost of more resource-intensive training.
Epitope vaccines are a promising direction to enable precision treatment for cancer, autoimmune diseases, and allergies. Effectively designing such vaccines requires accurate prediction of proteasomal cleavage in order to ensure that the epitopes in the vaccine are presented to T cells by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). While direct identification of proteasomal cleavage in vitro is cumbersome and low throughput, it is possible to implicitly infer cleavage events from the termini of MHC-presented epitopes, which can be detected in large amounts thanks to recent advances in high-throughput MHC ligandomics. Inferring cleavage events in such a way provides an inherently noisy signal which can be tackled with new developments in the field of deep learning that supposedly make it possible to learn predictors from noisy labels. Inspired by such innovations, we sought to modernize proteasomal cleavage predictors by benchmarking a wide range of recent methods, including LSTMs, transformers, CNNs, and denoising methods, on a recently introduced cleavage dataset. We found that increasing model scale and complexity appeared to deliver limited performance gains, as several methods reached about 88.5% AUC on C-terminal and 79.5% AUC on N-terminal cleavage prediction. This suggests that the noise and/or complexity of proteasomal cleavage and the subsequent biological processes of the antigen processing pathway are the major limiting factors for predictive performance rather than the specific modeling approach used. While biological complexity can be tackled by more data and better models, noise and randomness inherently limit the maximum achievable predictive performance.
The performance of a machine learning model degrades when it is applied to data from a similar but different domain than the data it has initially been trained on. To mitigate this domain shift problem, domain adaptation (DA) techniques search for an optimal transformation that converts the (current) input data from a source domain to a target domain to learn a domain-invariant representation that reduces domain discrepancy. This paper proposes a novel supervised DA based on two steps. First, we search for an optimal class-dependent transformation from the source to the target domain from a few samples. We consider optimal transport methods such as the earth mover’s distance, Sinkhorn transport and correlation alignment. Second, we use embedding similarity techniques to select the corresponding transformation at inference. We use correlation metrics and higher-order moment matching techniques. We conduct an extensive evaluation on time-series datasets with domain shift including simulated and various online handwriting datasets to demonstrate the performance.
Automated hyperparameter optimization (HPO) has gained great popularity and is an important component of most automated machine learning frameworks. However, the process of designing HPO algorithms is still an unsystematic and manual process: new algorithms are often built on top of prior work, where limitations are identified and improvements are proposed. Even though this approach is guided by expert knowledge, it is still somewhat arbitrary. The process rarely allows for gaining a holistic understanding of which algorithmic components drive performance and carries the risk of overlooking good algorithmic design choices. We present a principled approach to automated benchmark-driven algorithm design applied to multifidelity HPO (MF-HPO). First, we formalize a rich space of MF-HPO candidates that includes, but is not limited to, common existing HPO algorithms and then present a configurable framework covering this space. To find the best candidate automatically and systematically, we follow a programming-by-optimization approach and search over the space of algorithm candidates via Bayesian optimization. We challenge whether the found design choices are necessary or could be replaced by more naive and simpler ones by performing an ablation analysis. We observe that using a relatively simple configuration (in some ways, simpler than established methods) performs very well as long as some critical configuration parameters are set to the right value.
Michel Lang
* Former member
The goal of this work is to generate large statistically representative data sets to train machine learning models for disruption prediction provided by data from few existing discharges. Such a comprehensive training database is important to achieve satisfying and reliable prediction results in artificial neural network classifiers. Here, we aim for a robust augmentation of the training database for multivariate time series data using Student $t$ process regression. We apply Student $t$ process regression in a state space formulation via Bayesian filtering to tackle challenges imposed by outliers and noise in the training data set and to reduce the computational complexity. Thus, the method can also be used if the time resolution is high. We use an uncorrelated model for each dimension and impose correlations afterwards via colouring transformations. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on plasma diagnostics data of three different disruption classes from the DIII-D tokamak. To evaluate if the distribution of the generated data is similar to the training data, we additionally perform statistical analyses using methods from time series analysis, descriptive statistics and classic machine learning clustering algorithms.
Katharina Rath
* Former member
Education should not be a privilege but a common good. It should be openly accessible to everyone, with as few barriers as possible; even more so for key technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) and Data Science (DS). Open Educational Resources (OER) are a crucial factor for greater educational equity. In this paper, we describe the specific requirements for OER in ML and DS and argue that it is especially important for these fields to make source files publicly available, leading to Open Source Educational Resources (OSER). We present our view on the collaborative development of OSER, the challenges this poses, and first steps towards their solutions. We outline how OSER can be used for blended learning scenarios and share our experiences in university education. Finally, we discuss additional challenges such as credit assignment or granting certificates.
Recommender Systems (RS) pervade many aspects of our everyday digital life. Proposed to work at scale, state-of-the-art RS allow the modeling of thousands of interactions and facilitate highly individualized recommendations. Conceptually, many RS can be viewed as instances of statistical regression models that incorporate complex feature effects and potentially non-Gaussian outcomes. Such structured regression models, including time-aware varying coefficients models, are, however, limited in their applicability to categorical effects and inclusion of a large number of interactions. Here, we propose Factorized Structured Regression (FaStR) for scalable varying coefficient models. FaStR overcomes limitations of general regression models for large-scale data by combining structured additive regression and factorization approaches in a neural network-based model implementation. This fusion provides a scalable framework for the estimation of statistical models in previously infeasible data settings. Empirical results confirm that the estimation of varying coefficients of our approach is on par with state-of-the-art regression techniques, while scaling notably better and also being competitive with other time-aware RS in terms of prediction performance. We illustrate FaStR’s performance and interpretability on a large-scale behavioral study with smartphone user data.
Recent years have witnessed tremendously improved efficiency of Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), especially Automated Deep Learning (AutoDL) systems, but recent work focuses on tabular, image, or NLP tasks. So far, little attention has been paid to general AutoDL frameworks for time series forecasting, despite the enormous success in applying different novel architectures to such tasks. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach for the joint optimization of neural architecture and hyperparameters of the entire data processing pipeline for time series forecasting. In contrast to common NAS search spaces, we designed a novel neural architecture search space covering various state-of-the-art architectures, allowing for an efficient macro-search over different DL approaches. To efficiently search in such a large configuration space, we use Bayesian optimization with multi-fidelity optimization. We empirically study several different budget types enabling efficient multi-fidelity optimization on different forecasting datasets. Furthermore, we compared our resulting system, against several established baselines and show that it significantly outperforms all of them across several datasets.
Generative models allow for the creation of highly realistic artificial samples, opening up promising applications in medical imaging. In this work, we propose a multi-stage encoder-based approach to invert the generator of a generative adversarial network (GAN) for high resolution chest radiographs. This gives direct access to its implicitly formed latent space, makes generative models more accessible to researchers, and enables to apply generative techniques to actual patient’s images. We investigate various applications for this embedding, including image compression, disentanglement in the encoded dataset, guided image manipulation, and creation of stylized samples. We find that this type of GAN inversion is a promising research direction in the domain of chest radiograph modeling and opens up new ways to combine realistic X-ray sample synthesis with radiological image analysis.
Rain type classification into convective and stratiform is an essential step required to improve quantitative precipitation estimations by remote sensing instruments. Previous studies with Micro Rain Radar (MRR) measurements and subjective rules have been performed to classify rain events. However, automating this process by using machine learning (ML) models provides the advantages of fast and reliable classification with the possibility to classify rain minute by minute. A total of 20,979 min of rain data measured by an MRR at Das in northeast Spain were used to build seven types of ML models for stratiform and convective rain type classification. The proposed classification models use a set of 22 parameters that summarize the reflectivity, the Doppler velocity, and the spectral width (SW) above and below the so-called separation level (SL). This level is defined as the level with the highest increase in Doppler velocity and corresponds with the bright band in stratiform rain. A pre-classification of the rain type for each minute based on the rain microstructure provided by the collocated disdrometer was performed. Our results indicate that complex ML models, particularly tree-based ensembles such as xgboost and random forest which capture the interactions of different features, perform better than simpler models. Applying methods from the field of interpretable ML, we identified reflectivity at the lowest layer and the average spectral width in the layers below SL as the most important features. High reflectivity and low SW values indicate a higher probability of convective rain.
Accurate in silico modeling of the antigen processing pathway is crucial to enable personalized epitope vaccine design for cancer. An important step of such pathway is the degradation of the vaccine into smaller peptides by the proteasome, some of which are going to be presented to T cells by the MHC complex. While predicting MHC-peptide presentation has received a lot of attention recently, proteasomal cleavage prediction remains a relatively unexplored area in light of recent advancesin high-throughput mass spectrometry-based MHC ligandomics. Moreover, as such experimental techniques do not allow to identify regions that cannot be cleaved, the latest predictors generate decoy negative samples and treat them as true negatives when training, even though some of them could actually be positives. In this work, we thus present a new predictor trained with an expanded dataset and the solid theoretical underpinning of positive-unlabeled learning, achieving a new state-of-the-art in proteasomal cleavage prediction. The improved predictive capabilities will in turn enable more precise vaccine development improving the efficacy of epitope-based vaccines. Pretrained models are available on GitHub.
Learning from positive and unlabeled (PU) data is a setting where the learner only has access to positive and unlabeled samples while having no information on negative examples. Such PU setting is of great importance in various tasks such as medical diagnosis, social network analysis, financial markets analysis, and knowledge base completion, which also tend to be intrinsically imbalanced, i.e., where most examples are actually negatives. Most existing approaches for PU learning, however, only consider artificially balanced datasets and it is unclear how well they perform in the realistic scenario of imbalanced and long-tail data distribution. This paper proposes to tackle this challenge via robust and efficient self-supervised pretraining. However, training conventional self-supervised learning methods when applied with highly imbalanced PU distribution needs better reformulation. In this paper, we present textit{ImPULSeS}, a unified representation learning framework for underline{Im}balanced underline{P}ositive underline{U}nlabeled underline{L}earning leveraging underline{Se}lf-underline{S}upervised debiase pre-training. ImPULSeS uses a generic combination of large-scale unsupervised learning with debiased contrastive loss and additional reweighted PU loss. We performed different experiments across multiple datasets to show that ImPULSeS is able to halve the error rate of the previous state-of-the-art, even compared with previous methods that are given the true prior. Moreover, our method showed increased robustness to prior misspecification and superior performance even when pretraining was performed on an unrelated dataset. We anticipate such robustness and efficiency will make it much easier for practitioners to obtain excellent results on other PU datasets of interest.
Contrastive learning is among the most successful methods for visual representation learning, and its performance can be further improved by jointly performing clustering on the learned representations. However, existing methods for joint clustering and contrastive learning do not perform well on long-tailed data distributions, as majority classes overwhelm and distort the loss of minority classes, thus preventing meaningful representations to be learned. Motivated by this, we develop a novel joint clustering and contrastive learning framework by adapting the debiased contrastive loss to avoid under-clustering minority classes of imbalanced datasets. We show that our proposed modified debiased contrastive loss and divergence clustering loss improves the performance across multiple datasets and learning tasks.
The performance of a machine learning model degrades when it is applied to data from a similar but different domain than the data it has initially been trained on. The goal of domain adaptation (DA) is to mitigate this domain shift problem by searching for an optimal feature transformation to learn a domain-invariant representation. Such a domain shift can appear in handwriting recognition (HWR) applications where the motion pattern of the hand and with that the motion pattern of the pen is different for writing on paper and on tablet. This becomes visible in the sensor data for online handwriting (OnHW) from pens with integrated inertial measurement units. This paper proposes a supervised DA approach to enhance learning for OnHW recognition between tablet and paper data. Our method exploits loss functions such as maximum mean discrepancy and correlation alignment to learn a domain-invariant feature representation (i.e., similar covariances between tablet and paper features). We use a triplet loss that takes negative samples of the auxiliary domain (i.e., paper samples) to increase the amount of samples of the tablet dataset. We conduct an evaluation on novel sequence-based OnHW datasets (i.e., words) and show an improvement on the paper domain with an early fusion strategy by using pairwise learning.
Visual-inertial localization is a key problem in computer vision and robotics applications such as virtual reality, self-driving cars, and aerial vehicles. The goal is to estimate an accurate pose of an object when either the environment or the dynamics are known. Absolute pose regression (APR) techniques directly regress the absolute pose from an image input in a known scene using convolutional and spatio-temporal networks. Odometry methods perform relative pose regression (RPR) that predicts the relative pose from a known object dynamic (visual or inertial inputs). The localization task can be improved by retrieving information from both data sources for a cross-modal setup, which is a challenging problem due to contradictory tasks. In this work, we conduct a benchmark to evaluate deep multimodal fusion based on pose graph optimization and attention networks. Auxiliary and Bayesian learning are utilized for the APR task. We show accuracy improvements for the APR-RPR task and for the RPR-RPR task for aerial vehicles and hand-held devices. We conduct experiments on the EuRoC MAV and PennCOSYVIO datasets and record and evaluate a novel industry dataset.
Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) is a key component of machine learning models for achieving peak predictive performance. While numerous methods and algorithms for HPO have been proposed over the last years, little progress has been made in illuminating and examining the actual structure of these black-box optimization problems. Exploratory landscape analysis (ELA) subsumes a set of techniques that can be used to gain knowledge about properties of unknown optimization problems. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of five different black-box optimizers on 30 HPO problems, which consist of two-, three- and five-dimensional continuous search spaces of the XGBoost learner trained on 10 different data sets. This is contrasted with the performance of the same optimizers evaluated on 360 problem instances from the black-box optimization benchmark (BBOB). We then compute ELA features on the HPO and BBOB problems and examine similarities and differences. A cluster analysis of the HPO and BBOB problems in ELA feature space allows us to identify how the HPO problems compare to the BBOB problems on a structural meta-level. We identify a subset of BBOB problems that are close to the HPO problems in ELA feature space and show that optimizer performance is comparably similar on these two sets of benchmark problems. We highlight open challenges of ELA for HPO and discuss potential directions of future research and applications.
When developing and analyzing new hyperparameter optimization (HPO) methods, it is vital to empirically evaluate and compare them on well-curated benchmark suites. In this work, we list desirable properties and requirements for such benchmarks and propose a new set of challenging and relevant multifidelity HPO benchmark problems motivated by these requirements. For this, we revisit the concept of surrogate-based benchmarks and empirically compare them to more widely-used tabular benchmarks, showing that the latter ones may induce bias in performance estimation and ranking of HPO methods. We present a new surrogate-based benchmark suite for multifidelity HPO methods consisting of 9 benchmark collections that constitute over 700 multifidelity HPO problems in total. All our benchmarks also allow for querying of multiple optimization targets, enabling the benchmarking of multi-objective HPO. We examine and compare our benchmark suite with respect to the defined requirements and show that our benchmarks provide viable additions to existing suites.
Neural architecture search (NAS) has been studied extensively and has grown to become a research field with substantial impact. While classical single-objective NAS searches for the architecture with the best performance, multi-objective NAS considers multiple objectives that should be optimized simultaneously, e.g., minimizing resource usage along the validation error. Although considerable progress has been made in the field of multi-objective NAS, we argue that there is some discrepancy between the actual optimization problem of practical interest and the optimization problem that multi-objective NAS tries to solve. We resolve this discrepancy by formulating the multi-objective NAS problem as a quality diversity optimization (QDO) problem and introduce three quality diversity NAS optimizers (two of them belonging to the group of multifidelity optimizers), which search for high-performing yet diverse architectures that are optimal for application-specific niches, e.g., hardware constraints. By comparing these optimizers to their multi-objective counterparts, we demonstrate that quality diversity NAS in general outperforms multi-objective NAS with respect to quality of solutions and efficiency. We further show how applications and future NAS research can thrive on QDO.
For many applications, analyzing the uncertainty of a machine learning model is indispensable. While research of uncertainty quantification (UQ) techniques is very advanced for computer vision applications, UQ methods for spatio-temporal data are less studied. In this paper, we focus on models for online handwriting recognition, one particular type of spatio-temporal data. The data is observed from a sensor-enhanced pen with the goal to classify written characters. We conduct a broad evaluation of aleatoric (data) and epistemic (model) UQ based on two prominent techniques for Bayesian inference, Stochastic Weight Averaging-Gaussian (SWAG) and Deep Ensembles. Next to a better understanding of the model, UQ techniques can detect out-of-distribution data and domain shifts when combining right-handed and left-handed writers (an underrepresented group).
One challenging property lurking in medical datasets is the imbalanced data distribution, where the frequency of the samples between the different classes is not balanced. Training a model on an imbalanced dataset can introduce unique challenges to the learning problem where a model is biased towards the highly frequent class. Many methods are proposed to tackle the distributional differences and the imbalanced problem. However, the impact of these approaches on the learned features is not well studied. In this paper, we look deeper into the internal units of neural networks to observe how handling data imbalance affects the learned features. We study several popular cost-sensitive approaches for handling data imbalance and analyze the feature maps of the convolutional neural networks from multiple perspectives: analyzing the alignment of salient features with pathologies and analyzing the pathology-related concepts encoded by the networks. Our study reveals differences and insights regarding the trained models that are not reflected by quantitative metrics such as AUROC and AP and show up only by looking at the models through a lens.
When machine learning is used to automate judgments, e.g. in areas like lending or crime prediction, incorrect decisions can lead to adverse effects for affected individuals. This occurs, e.g., if the data used to train these models is based on prior decisions that are unfairly skewed against specific subpopulations. If models should automate decision-making, they must account for these biases to prevent perpetuating or creating discriminatory practices. Counter-factual fairness audits models with respect to a notion of fairness that asks for equal outcomes between a decision made in the real world and a counterfactual world where the individual subject to a decision comes from a different protected demographic group. In this work, we propose a method to conduct such audits without access to the underlying causal structure of the data generating process by framing it as a multi-objective optimization task that can be efficiently solved using a genetic algorithm.
The goal of Quality Diversity Optimization is to generate a collection of diverse yet high-performing solutions to a given problem at hand. Typical benchmark problems are, for example, finding a repertoire of robot arm configurations or a collection of game playing strategies. In this paper, we propose a set of Quality Diversity Optimization problems that tackle hyperparameter optimization of machine learning models - a so far underexplored application of Quality Diversity Optimization. Our benchmark problems involve novel feature functions, such as interpretability or resource usage of models. To allow for fast and efficient benchmarking, we build upon YAHPO Gym, a recently proposed open source benchmarking suite for hyperparameter optimization that makes use of high performing surrogate models and returns these surrogate model predictions instead of evaluating the true expensive black box function. We present results of an initial experimental study comparing different Quality Diversity optimizers on our benchmark problems. Furthermore, we discuss future directions and challenges of Quality Diversity Optimization in the context of hyperparameter optimization.
Interpretable machine learning has become a very active area of research due to the rising popularity of machine learning algorithms and their inherently challenging interpretability. Most work in this area has been focused on the interpretation of single features in a model. However, for researchers and practitioners, it is often equally important to quantify the importance or visualize the effect of feature groups. To address this research gap, we provide a comprehensive overview of how existing model-agnostic techniques can be defined for feature groups to assess the grouped feature importance, focusing on permutation-based, refitting, and Shapley-based methods. We also introduce an importance-based sequential procedure that identifies a stable and well-performing combination of features in the grouped feature space. Furthermore, we introduce the combined features effect plot, which is a technique to visualize the effect of a group of features based on a sparse, interpretable linear combination of features. We used simulation studies and real data examples to analyze, compare, and discuss these methods.
Despite all the benefits of automated hyperparameter optimization (HPO), most modern HPO algorithms are black-boxes themselves. This makes it difficult to understand the decision process which leads to the selected configuration, reduces trust in HPO, and thus hinders its broad adoption. Here, we study the combination of HPO with interpretable machine learning (IML) methods such as partial dependence plots. These techniques are more and more used to explain the marginal effect of hyperparameters on the black-box cost function or to quantify the importance of hyperparameters. However, if such methods are naively applied to the experimental data of the HPO process in a post-hoc manner, the underlying sampling bias of the optimizer can distort interpretations. We propose a modified HPO method which efficiently balances the search for the global optimum w.r.t. predictive performance emph{and} the reliable estimation of IML explanations of an underlying black-box function by coupling Bayesian optimization and Bayesian Algorithm Execution. On benchmark cases of both synthetic objectives and HPO of a neural network, we demonstrate that our method returns more reliable explanations of the underlying black-box without a loss of optimization performance.
Survival analysis (SA) is an active field of research that is concerned with time-to-event outcomes and is prevalent in many domains, particularly biomedical applications. Despite its importance, SA remains challenging due to small-scale data sets and complex outcome distributions, concealed by truncation and censoring processes. The piecewise exponential additive mixed model (PAMM) is a model class addressing many of these challenges, yet PAMMs are not applicable in high-dimensional feature settings or in the case of unstructured or multimodal data. We unify existing approaches by proposing DeepPAMM, a versatile deep learning framework that is well-founded from a statistical point of view, yet with enough flexibility for modeling complex hazard structures. We illustrate that DeepPAMM is competitive with other machine learning approaches with respect to predictive performance while maintaining interpretability through benchmark experiments and an extended case study.
A growing body of literature in fairness-aware machine learning (fairML) aims to mitigate machine learning (ML)-related unfairness in automated decision-making (ADM) by defining metrics that measure fairness of an ML model and by proposing methods to ensure that trained ML models achieve low scores on these metrics. However, the underlying concept of fairness, i.e., the question of what fairness is, is rarely discussed, leaving a significant gap between centuries of philosophical discussion and the recent adoption of the concept in the ML community. In this work, we try to bridge this gap by formalizing a consistent concept of fairness and by translating the philosophical considerations into a formal framework for the training and evaluation of ML models in ADM systems. We argue that fairness problems can arise even without the presence of protected attributes (PAs), and point out that fairness and predictive performance are not irreconcilable opposites, but that the latter is necessary to achieve the former. Furthermore, we argue why and how causal considerations are necessary when assessing fairness in the presence of PAs by proposing a fictitious, normatively desired (FiND) world in which PAs have no causal effects. In practice, this FiND world must be approximated by a warped world in which the causal effects of the PAs are removed from the real-world data. Finally, we achieve greater linguistic clarity in the discussion of fairML. We outline algorithms for practical applications and present illustrative experiments on COMPAS data.
Machine learning models can automatically learn complex relationships, such as non-linear and interaction effects. Interpretable machine learning methods such as partial dependence plots visualize marginal feature effects but may lead to misleading interpretations when feature interactions are present. Hence, employing additional methods that can detect and measure the strength of interactions is paramount to better understand the inner workings of machine learning models. We demonstrate several drawbacks of existing global interaction detection approaches, characterize them theoretically, and evaluate them empirically. Furthermore, we introduce regional effect plots with implicit interaction detection, a novel framework to detect interactions between a feature of interest and other features. The framework also quantifies the strength of interactions and provides interpretable and distinct regions in which feature effects can be interpreted more reliably, as they are less confounded by interactions. We prove the theoretical eligibility of our method and show its applicability on various simulation and real-world examples.
Since most machine learning (ML) algorithms are designed for numerical inputs, efficiently encoding categorical variables is a crucial aspect in data analysis. A common problem are high cardinality features, i.e. unordered categorical predictor variables with a high number of levels. We study techniques that yield numeric representations of categorical variables which can then be used in subsequent ML applications. We focus on the impact of these techniques on a subsequent algorithm’s predictive performance, and—if possible—derive best practices on when to use which technique. We conducted a large-scale benchmark experiment, where we compared different encoding strategies together with five ML algorithms (lasso, random forest, gradient boosting, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine) using datasets from regression, binary- and multiclass–classification settings. In our study, regularized versions of target encoding (i.e. using target predictions based on the feature levels in the training set as a new numerical feature) consistently provided the best results. Traditionally widely used encodings that make unreasonable assumptions to map levels to integers (e.g. integer encoding) or to reduce the number of levels (possibly based on target information, e.g. leaf encoding) before creating binary indicator variables (one-hot or dummy encoding) were not as effective in comparison.
Multivariate Time Series (MTS) classification is important in various applications such as signature verification, person identification, and motion recognition. In deep learning these classification tasks are usually learned using the cross-entropy loss. A related yet different task is predicting trajectories observed as MTS. Important use cases include handwriting reconstruction, shape analysis, and human pose estimation. The goal is to align an arbitrary dimensional time series with its ground truth as accurately as possible while reducing the error in the prediction with a distance loss and the variance with a similarity loss. Although learning both losses with Multi-Task Learning (MTL) helps to improve trajectory alignment, learning often remains difficult as both tasks are contradictory. We propose a novel neural network architecture for MTL that notably improves the MTS classification and trajectory regression performance in online handwriting (OnHW) recognition. We achieve this by jointly learning the cross-entropy loss in combination with distance and similarity losses. On an OnHW task of handwritten characters with multivariate inertial and visual data inputs we are able to achieve crucial improvements (lower error with less variance) of trajectory prediction while still improving the character classification accuracy in comparison to models trained on the individual tasks.
Handwriting is one of the most frequently occurring patterns in everyday life and with it comes challenging applications such as handwriting recognition, writer identification and signature verification. In contrast to offline HWR that only uses spatial information (i.e., images), online HWR uses richer spatio-temporal information (i.e., trajectory data or inertial data). While there exist many offline HWR datasets, there are only little data available for the development of OnHWR methods on paper as it requires hardware-integrated pens. This paper presents data and benchmark models for real-time sequence-to-sequence learning and single character-based recognition. Our data are recorded by a sensor-enhanced ballpoint pen, yielding sensor data streams from triaxial accelerometers, a gyroscope, a magnetometer and a force sensor at 100 Hz. We propose a variety of datasets including equations and words for both the writer-dependent and writer-independent tasks. Our datasets allow a comparison between classical OnHWR on tablets and on paper with sensor-enhanced pens. We provide an evaluation benchmark for seq2seq and single character-based HWR using recurrent and temporal convolutional networks and transformers combined with a connectionist temporal classification (CTC) loss and cross-entropy (CE) losses. Our convolutional network combined with BiLSTMs outperforms transformer-based architectures, is on par with InceptionTime for sequence-based classification tasks and yields better results compared to 28 state-of-the-art techniques. Time-series augmentation methods improve the sequence-based task, and we show that CE variants can improve the single classification task. Our implementations together with the large benchmark of state-of-the-art techniques of novel OnHWR datasets serve as a baseline for future research in the area of OnHWR on paper.
Positive-unlabeled learning (PUL) aims at learning a binary classifier from only positive and unlabeled training data. Even though real-world applications often involve imbalanced datasets where the majority of examples belong to one class, most contemporary approaches to PUL do not investigate performance in this setting, thus severely limiting their applicability in practice. In this work, we thus propose to tackle the issues of imbalanced datasets and model calibration in a PUL setting through an uncertainty-aware pseudo-labeling procedure (PUUPL): by boosting the signal from the minority class, pseudo-labeling expands the labeled dataset with new samples from the unlabeled set, while explicit uncertainty quantification prevents the emergence of harmful confirmation bias leading to increased predictive performance. Within a series of experiments, PUUPL yields substantial performance gains in highly imbalanced settings while also showing strong performance in balanced PU scenarios across recent baselines. We furthermore provide ablations and sensitivity analyses to shed light on PUUPL’s several ingredients. Finally, a real-world application with an imbalanced dataset confirms the advantage of our approach.
Automated hyperparameter optimization (HPO) can support practitioners to obtain peak performance in machine learning models. However, there is often a lack of valuable insights into the effects of different hyperparameters on the final model performance. This lack of explainability makes it difficult to trust and understand the automated HPO process and its results. We suggest using interpretable machine learning (IML) to gain insights from the experimental data obtained during HPO with Bayesian optimization (BO). BO tends to focus on promising regions with potential high-performance configurations and thus induces a sampling bias. Hence, many IML techniques, such as the partial dependence plot (PDP), carry the risk of generating biased interpretations. By leveraging the posterior uncertainty of the BO surrogate model, we introduce a variant of the PDP with estimated confidence bands. We propose to partition the hyperparameter space to obtain more confident and reliable PDPs in relevant sub-regions. In an experimental study, we provide quantitative evidence for the increased quality of the PDPs within sub-regions.
Deep learning excels in the analysis of unstructured data and recent advancements allow to extend these techniques to survival analysis. In the context of clinical radiology, this enables, e.g., to relate unstructured volumetric images to a risk score or a prognosis of life expectancy and support clinical decision making. Medical applications are, however, associated with high criticality and consequently, neither medical personnel nor patients do usually accept black box models as reason or basis for decisions. Apart from averseness to new technologies, this is due to missing interpretability, transparency and accountability of many machine learning methods. We propose a hazard-regularized variational autoencoder that supports straightforward interpretation of deep neural architectures in the context of survival analysis, a field highly relevant in healthcare. We apply the proposed approach to abdominal CT scans of patients with liver tumors and their corresponding survival times.
The application of deep learning in survival analysis (SA) allows utilizing unstructured and high-dimensional data types uncommon in traditional survival methods. This allows to advance methods in fields such as digital health, predictive maintenance, and churn analysis, but often yields less interpretable and intuitively understandable models due to the black-box character of deep learning-based approaches. We close this gap by proposing 1) a multi-task variational autoencoder (VAE) with survival objective, yielding survival-oriented embeddings, and 2) a novel method HazardWalk that allows to model hazard factors in the original data space. HazardWalk transforms the latent distribution of our autoencoder into areas of maximized/minimized hazard and then uses the decoder to project changes to the original domain. Our procedure is evaluated on a simulated dataset as well as on a dataset of CT imaging data of patients with liver metastases.
In practice, machine learning (ML) workflows require various different steps, from data preprocessing, missing value imputation, model selection, to model tuning as well as model evaluation. Many of these steps rely on human ML experts. AutoML - the field of automating these ML pipelines - tries to help practitioners to apply ML off-the-shelf without any expert knowledge. Most modern AutoML systems like auto-sklearn, H20-AutoML or TPOT aim for high predictive performance, thereby generating ensembles that consist almost exclusively of black-box models. This, in turn, makes the interpretation for the layperson more intricate and adds another layer of opacity for users. We propose an AutoML system that constructs an interpretable additive model that can be fitted using a highly scalable componentwise boosting algorithm. Our system provides tools for easy model interpretation such as visualizing partial effects and pairwise interactions, allows for a straightforward calculation of feature importance, and gives insights into the required model complexity to fit the given task. We introduce the general framework and outline its implementation autocompboost. To demonstrate the frameworks efficacy, we compare autocompboost to other existing systems based on the OpenML AutoML-Benchmark. Despite its restriction to an interpretable model space, our system is competitive in terms of predictive performance on most data sets while being more user-friendly and transparent.
In tasks like node classification, image segmentation, and named-entity recognition we have a classifier that simultaneously outputs multiple predictions (a vector of labels) based on a single input, i.e. a single graph, image, or document respectively. Existing adversarial robustness certificates consider each prediction independently and are thus overly pessimistic for such tasks. They implicitly assume that an adversary can use different perturbed inputs to attack different predictions, ignoring the fact that we have a single shared input. We propose the first collective robustness certificate which computes the number of predictions that are simultaneously guaranteed to remain stable under perturbation, i.e. cannot be attacked. We focus on Graph Neural Networks and leverage their locality property - perturbations only affect the predictions in a close neighborhood - to fuse multiple single-node certificates into a drastically stronger collective certificate. For example, on the Citeseer dataset our collective certificate for node classification increases the average number of certifiable feature perturbations from 7 to 351.
Michel Lang
* Former member
We propose a Deep Variational Clustering (DVC) framework for unsupervised representation learning and clustering of large-scale medical images. DVC simultaneously learns the multivariate Gaussian posterior through the probabilistic convolutional encoder and the likelihood distribution with the probabilistic convolutional decoder; and optimizes cluster labels assignment. Here, the learned multivariate Gaussian posterior captures the latent distribution of a large set of unlabeled images. Then, we perform unsupervised clustering on top of the variational latent space using a clustering loss. In this approach, the probabilistic decoder helps to prevent the distortion of data points in the latent space and to preserve the local structure of data generating distribution. The training process can be considered as a self-training process to refine the latent space and simultaneously optimizing cluster assignments iteratively. We evaluated our proposed framework on three public datasets that represented different medical imaging modalities. Our experimental results show that our proposed framework generalizes better across different datasets. It achieves compelling results on several medical imaging benchmarks. Thus, our approach offers potential advantages over conventional deep unsupervised learning in real-world applications.
Given the increasing usage of automated prediction systems in the context of high-stakes de- cisions, a growing body of research focuses on methods for detecting and mitigating biases in algorithmic decision-making. One important framework to audit for and mitigate biases in predictions is that of Multi-Calibration, introduced by Hebert-Johnson et al. (2018). The underlying fairness notion, Multi-Calibration, promotes the idea of multi-group fairness and requires calibrated predictions not only for marginal populations, but also for subpopulations that may be defined by complex intersections of many attributes. A simpler variant of Multi- Calibration, referred to as Multi-Accuracy, requires unbiased predictions for large collections of subpopulations. Hebert-Johnson et al. (2018) proposed a boosting-style algorithm for learning multi-calibrated predictors. Kim et al. (2019) demonstrated how to turn this al- gorithm into a post-processing strategy to achieve multi-accuracy, demonstrating empirical effectiveness across various domains. This package provides a stable implementation of the multi-calibration algorithm, called MCBoost. In contrast to other Fair ML approaches, MC- Boost does not harm the overall utility of a prediction model, but rather aims at improving calibration and accuracy for large sets of subpopulations post-training. MCBoost comes with strong theoretical guarantees, which have been explored formally in Hebert-Johnson et al. (2018), Kim et al. (2019), Dwork et al. (2019), Dwork et al. (2020) and Kim et al. (2021).
Algorithmic recourse explanations inform stakeholders on how to act to revert unfavorable predictions. However, in general ML models do not predict well in interventional distributions. Thus, an action that changes the prediction in the desired way may not lead to an improvement of the underlying target. Such recourse is neither meaningful nor robust to model refits. Extending the work of Karimi et al. (2021), we propose meaningful algorithmic recourse (MAR) that only recommends actions that improve both prediction and target. We justify this selection constraint by highlighting the differences between model audit and meaningful, actionable recourse explanations. Additionally, we introduce a relaxation of MAR called effective algorithmic recourse (EAR), which, under certain assumptions, yields meaningful recourse by only allowing interventions on causes of the target.
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
Hyperparameter optimization in machine learning (ML) deals with the problem of empirically learning an optimal algorithm configuration from data, usually formulated as a black-box optimization problem. In this work, we propose a zero-shot method to meta-learn symbolic default hyperparameter configurations that are expressed in terms of the properties of the dataset. This enables a much faster, but still data-dependent, configuration of the ML algorithm, compared to standard hyperparameter optimization approaches. In the past, symbolic and static default values have usually been obtained as hand-crafted heuristics. We propose an approach of learning such symbolic configurations as formulas of dataset properties from a large set of prior evaluations on multiple datasets by optimizing over a grammar of expressions using an evolutionary algorithm. We evaluate our method on surrogate empirical performance models as well as on real data across 6 ML algorithms on more than 100 datasets and demonstrate that our method indeed finds viable symbolic defaults.
Modern machine learning methods highly depend on their hyper-parameter configurations for optimal performance. A widely used approach to selecting a configuration is using default settings, often proposed along with the publication of a new algorithm. Those default values are usually chosen in an ad-hoc manner to work on a wide variety of datasets. Different automatic hyperparameter configuration algorithms which select an optimal configuration per dataset have been proposed, but despite its importance, tuning is often skipped in applications because of additional run time, complexity, and experimental design questions. Instead, the learner is often applied in its defaults. This principled approach usually improves performance but adds additional algorithmic complexity and computational costs to the training procedure. We propose and study using a set of complementary default values, learned from a large database of prior empirical results as an alternative. Selecting an appropriate configuration on a new dataset then requires only a simple, efficient, and embarrassingly parallel search over this set. To demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the approach, we compare learned sets of configurations to random search and Bayesian optimization. We show that sets of defaults can improve performance while being easy to deploy in comparison to more complex methods.
Recent years have seen a proliferation of ML frameworks. Such systems make ML accessible to non-experts, especially when combined with powerful parameter tuning and AutoML techniques. Modern, applied ML extends beyond direct learning on clean data, however, and needs an expressive language for the construction of complex ML workflows beyond simple pre- and post-processing. We present mlr3pipelines, an R framework which can be used to define linear and complex non-linear ML workflows as directed acyclic graphs. The framework is part of the mlr3 ecosystem, leveraging convenient resampling, benchmarking, and tuning components.
Michel Lang
* Former member
We propose a versatile framework for survival analysis that combines advanced concepts from statistics with deep learning. The presented framework is based on piecewise expo-nential models and thereby supports various survival tasks, such as competing risks and multi-state modeling, and further allows for estimation of time-varying effects and time-varying features. To also include multiple data sources and higher-order interaction effects into the model, we embed the model class in a neural network and thereby enable the si-multaneous estimation of both inherently interpretable structured regression inputs as well as deep neural network components which can potentially process additional unstructured data sources. A proof of concept is provided by using the framework to predict Alzheimer’s disease progression based on tabular and 3D point cloud data and applying it to synthetic data.
While Semi-supervised learning has gained much attention in computer vision on image data, yet limited research exists on its applicability in the time series domain. In this work, we investigate the transferability of state-of-the-art deep semi-supervised models from image to time series classification. We discuss the necessary model adaptations, in particular an appropriate model backbone architecture and the use of tailored data augmentation strategies. Based on these adaptations, we explore the potential of deep semi-supervised learning in the context of time series classification by evaluating our methods on large public time series classification problems with varying amounts of labelled samples. We perform extensive comparisons under a decidedly realistic and appropriate evaluation scheme with a unified reimplementation of all algorithms considered, which is yet lacking in the field. We find that these transferred semi-supervised models show significant performance gains over strong supervised, semi-supervised and self-supervised alternatives, especially for scenarios with very few labelled samples.
Interpretable Machine Learning (IML) methods are used to gain insight into the relevance of a feature of interest for the performance of a model. Commonly used IML methods differ in whether they consider features of interest in isolation, e.g., Permutation Feature Importance (PFI), or in relation to all remaining feature variables, e.g., Conditional Feature Importance (CFI). As such, the perturbation mechanisms inherent to PFI and CFI represent extreme reference points. We introduce Relative Feature Importance (RFI), a generalization of PFI and CFI that allows for a more nuanced feature importance computation beyond the PFI versus CFI dichotomy. With RFI, the importance of a feature relative to any other subset of features can be assessed, including variables that were not available at training time. We derive general interpretation rules for RFI based on a detailed theoretical analysis of the implications of relative feature relevance, and demonstrate the method’s usefulness on simulated examples.